Night Owl 9
Night Owl CD-ROM (NOPV9) (Night Owl Publisher) (1993).ISO
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Text File
6,621 lines
Version 3.02
A BackGround File Transfer System
Rick MacDonald, MSc
Rafael Moya, PhD
Tim Chapman, PhD
Dirac Systems
P. O. Box 476
West Hill, ON
Canada M1E4Y9
Modem (416) 283-7157
Copyright (c) 1990-1993 Dirac Systems \ /
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/ \
1.0 Introduction ...........................................5
1.1 BGFT Concept ...........................................5
1.2 What's New in Version 3 ................................7
1.3 Registered User Support ................................8
1.4 Why Register? ..........................................9
2.0 Red Tape ...............................................10
2.1 Disclaimer of Warranty .................................10
2.2 Copyright Notice .......................................10
2.3 Upgrade Policy .........................................12
2.4 Hardware and Software Requirements .....................13
2.5 Definition of Terms ....................................13
3.0 Getting Started with BGFT ..............................15
3.1 Files in the Distribution ..............................15
3.2 Trying it Out ..........................................19
4.0 Installation, File Buffers, and Resident Programs ......25
4.1 The Installation Program ...............................26
4.1.1 Minimal Installation .................................28
4.1.2 File Buffer Choice ...................................29
4.1.3 BGFT Directory .......................................29
4.1.4 Support Files for Other Communication Products .......30
4.1.5 Changes to AUTOEXEC.BAT ..............................30
4.1.6 System Specific Details ..............................30
4.1.7 Files for Microsoft Windows ..........................31
4.1.8 Automatic Sequence ...................................31
4.2 Manually Organizing the Files ..........................32
4.3 Hard Disk Drive File Buffer Creation ...................34
4.4 The Resident Programs ..................................35
4.5 Resident Program Error Messages ........................37
4.6 Floppy Disk Drive File Buffer Creation .................38
4.7 BGFT Environment .......................................39
4.8 Modem Requirements .....................................40
4.9 Systems Without a Hard Drive ...........................41
4.10 BGFT and DOS 5 ........................................41
4.11 BGFT and STACKER ......................................42
4.12 BGFT and DR DOS .......................................42
4.13 Multitasking and Communications .......................42
4.14 BGFT and DESQview .....................................43
4.15 BGFT and Microsoft Windows ............................44
4.16 Problem Solving .......................................45
4.17 Operating Limitations .................................46
4.18 BGFT Model Summary ....................................47
5.0 Operation of Main User Interface: BGFT.EXE .............48
5.1 Starting/Stopping BGFT .................................48
5.1.1 Starting BGFT ........................................48
5.1.2 Exiting BGFT .........................................49
5.2 The Menu System ........................................50
5.2.1 File .................................................51
5.2.2 View .................................................52
5.2.3 Dial .................................................52
5.2.4 Transfer .............................................53
5.2.5 Setup ................................................53
5.2.6 Utility ..............................................53
5.2.7 Information ..........................................54
5.3 Dialog Boxes ...........................................54
5.3.1 Action Buttons .......................................54
5.3.2 File Lists ...........................................55
5.3.3 Drive/Directory Lists ................................56
5.3.4 Data Input Fields ....................................56
5.3.5 On/Off Flags .........................................56
5.3.6 Radio Buttons ........................................57
5.4 The Help System ........................................57
5.4.1 Message Line .........................................57
5.4.2 Alt_Z Help Key .......................................57
5.5 Configuring BGFT .......................................57
5.5.1 Terminal Emulation ...................................57
5.5.2 Modem Parameters .....................................58 Modem Initialization String ........................58 Dialing Command ....................................58 Hang Up Command ....................................59 Time Between Dialing ...............................59 Test for 'BUSY' ....................................59 Direct Connection ..................................59
5.5.3 Communication Port Settings ..........................60 Communication Port Number ..........................60 Baud Rate ..........................................60 Data Bits ..........................................61 Stop Bits ..........................................61 Parity .............................................61
5.5.4 Preferences ..........................................61 Confirm Exit .......................................61 Background Sound ON/OFF ............................62 Foreground Sound ON/OFF ............................62 Tab Width ..........................................62 Number of Lines to Scroll Back .....................62 Show When the Scroll Buffer is Full ................62 Save the Scroll Back Buffer on Exit ................63 Default Dialing Directory ..........................63 Mouse Speed ........................................63 Mouse Double Click Time ...........................63 Enable Zmodem Auto-Download .......................63 Auto Save File Directory ..........................63
5.5.5 ASCII Download Parameters ............................64 Character Pacing ...................................64 Line Pacing ........................................64 Pace Character .....................................65 Expand Blank Lines .................................65 Expand Tabs ........................................65 Add Line Feed to Carriage Return ...................65 Local Echo .........................................65
3 End of Line Translation for ASCII Transfers ........65
5.5.6 Colors ...............................................66
5.6 Terminal Mode ..........................................67
5.6.1 Using a Modem ........................................67
5.6.2 Direct Connection ....................................67
5.7 Background Dialing .....................................68
5.7.1 Selecting a Dialing Entry ............................68
5.7.2 Editing Dialing Entries ..............................69
5.7.3 Adding Entries .......................................69
5.7.4 Removing Entries .....................................70
5.7.5 Dialing an Entry .....................................70
5.7.6 Kill Background Dialing ..............................71
5.7.7 Resident's Status Window .............................72
5.8 Background File Transfer ...............................72
5.8.1 The File Buffer ......................................73
5.8.2 Background File Downloading ..........................73
5.8.3 Manually Moving Downloaded Files .....................74
5.8.4 Automatically Moving Downloaded Files ................74
5.8.5 ASCII File Downloading ...............................75
5.8.6 Preparing Files For Uploading ........................75
5.8.7 Background File Uploading ............................76
5.8.8 ASCII Uploads ........................................77
5.8.9 Acknowledge Communication Errors .....................77
5.8.10 Ending Transmission .................................78
5.9 Utility Functions ......................................78
5.9.1 Turning the Resident Off .............................78
5.9.2 Initialize the File Buffer ...........................78
5.9.3 Modem Initialization .................................79
5.9.4 Status of the BGFT Window ............................80
5.9.5 Relocate the BGFT Window .............................80
5.9.6 Clear the Terminal Mode Screen .......................80
5.10 The Clipboard .........................................80
5.10.1 Copying Text From the Terminal Mode Screen ..........80
5.10.2 Copying Text From the Scroll Back Buffer Screen .....81
5.10.3 The Clipboard Menu ..................................81
5.11 The Scroll Back Buffer ................................83
5.12 Screen Capture ........................................84
5.13 BGFT Status ...........................................84
5.14 Alt_Key Summary .......................................85
5.14.1 'Hot' Keys ..........................................85
5.14.2 'Warm' Keys .........................................86
6.0 Operation of Auxiliary User Interface: BGFTOPT.EXE .....87
6.1 External Protocols .....................................87
6.2 General Considerations .................................88
6.3 Using BGFT as an External Protocol for Telix ...........91
6.4 Using BGFT as an External Protocol for PROCOMM PLUS ....95
6.5 Using BGFT as an External Protocol for Qmodem ..........96
6.6 Using BGFT as an External Protocol for Telemate ........97
6.7 Command Mode Options Using BGFTOPT.EXE .................98
6.8 Conclusion .............................................105
Index ......................................................106
1.0 Introduction
BGFT is an extraordinary file transfer system for the IBM
PC/XT/AT family of computers. It allows files to be
transferred over a serial communications link, in the
'background', while the PC is being used for other purposes.
Files can be transferred by downloading, or uploading, using
either the Zmodem, Ymodem-Batch, Xmodem-CRC or Xmodem-1K file
transfer protocol. This means, that when you transfer files by
modem, to or from your favorite Bulletin Board Service (BBS),
you can be writing a letter with your word processor, updating
your financial statement with a spreadsheet or doing most of
the other things that are possible with your computer. A
convenient background dialer also makes the package ideal for
accessing busy BBSs.
What makes BGFT special? BGFT works in the background. It
overcomes traditional background conflicts with the Disk
Operating System (DOS). Drive A:, or B: or a 'reserved' file
on the hard drive C: is used as a special download or upload
'file buffer' for BGFT. Meanwhile, DOS is freed up to be used
by other application programs. BGFT requires MS DOS Version
3.1 or greater to operate.
The background features of BGFT can also be used with other
suitable telecommunication packages like PROCOMM PLUS, Qmodem,
and Telix; script files are provided for them.
BGFT is also Microsoft Windows 3 compatible. Usually it is not
possible to run a background DOS program while running a
Windows program in the foreground on a 286 computer, BGFT can
do it, even with 8088 computers; this cannot be said for most
telecommunication packages. A small Windows program is
provided to show BGFT's file transfer progress while running
Windows applications. BGFT also works well with multitasking
systems like DESQview, particularly on computers with limited
memory; BGFT is compact.
The registered and unregistered package for BGFT share all the
same features described above. The only difference is that
there is no initial screen on the registered executable files,
BGFT.EXE and BGFTOPT.EXE. Otherwise, all files are identical.
1.1 BGFT Concept
BGFT started as a program written by one of the authors who
could not stand waiting to use his computer while it was
downloading files. That prototype was in use for over two
years and did thousands of background file transfers with a
slow 4.77 MHz IBM PC clone and a 1200 baud modem. That program
was developed into BGFT; it was first released commercially in
January 1990.
BGFT is intended to provide efficient background file trans-
fers on 'ordinary' personal computers. It works well on IBM
PCs, XTs, ATs and compatibles. A 1200 or 2400 baud modem is
ideal although baud rates up to 57600 are supported. At baud
rates higher than 9600, background file transfers may not be
practical, particularly on 'slow' computers. Higher baud rates
have been included, however, for use by people with high speed
modems and high power computers or those who want to make use
of BGFT's background dialer.
BGFT will serve as a complete communications program. It has
many of the important features like having a configuration
file, dialing directory maintenance, menuing system, color,
context sensitive help, mouse control, connectivity to
communication ports 1 to 4, terminal emulations and so on.
BGFT's background dialer will be a superior choice for
accessing busy BBSs since the user can do something else with
the computer while waiting for a connection.
BGFT is a communication environment that actually consists of
two programs; one operates in the background and one in the
foreground. The first, a small terminate and stay resident
(TSR) program acts as a file transfer 'driver' which is capa-
ble of carrying out background file transfers independently
once it has been commanded to do so by a foreground program.
The second program, BGFT.EXE, is the main user interface for
BGFT. This foreground program acts as a standalone user
interface to control the resident program's operation. Another
foreground program, BGFTOPT.EXE, interacts with the resident
in terms of command line options; it is used for specialized
applications such as providing external background protocols
for other telecommunication programs.
BGFT is a robust background program due to a special way of
avoiding DOS conflicts that have plagued other background
utilities. In the technical sense, the background driver for
BGFT is unusual because it does not use DOS calls; therefore,
it does not have to wait until a foreground program finishes
using DOS. This enables BGFT to run concurrently with other
programs that use DOS.
The advantages of this approach are easily demonstrated.
Simply print out a text file using the DOS PRINT command,
which is a background driver that uses DOS. Then use the DOS
TYPE command which is a foreground program that uses DOS to
view a long text file. After a few seconds, the printing will
stop due to a DOS conflict, and will remain stopped until the
TYPE command has finished. This kind of operation obviously is
not suitable for a file transfer program since the file
transfer would time-out under these conditions.
BGFT uses the concept of a file buffer for the temporary
storage of files. The file buffer may either be on the hard
drive C: or on a DOS formatted diskette, specially initialized
by BGFT, in the floppy drive A: or B:. It is written to, and
read from, by the BGFT resident program. There are two
resident programs: one is BGFTHDZM.COM for accessing the hard
drive file buffer and the other is BGFTFDZM.COM for accessing
the floppy drive based file buffer. We will refer to the
resident program as BGFTres.COM. One of the programs is used
during a computer session.
Downloaded files are stored temporarily in the file buffer and
moved to DOS files on the hard disk or second floppy drive
under user control by BGFT.EXE. Files to be uploaded are first
moved to the file buffer with the foreground program, then
accessed by BGFTres.COM while uploading. The design of the
user interface is such that the use of the file buffer is
nearly transparent to the user.
When the file buffer is located on the hard disk, a specially
created 'read-only' file is used as the file buffer. The file
buffer is created by a program called, BGFTFB.EXE. The
resident program creates a 'map' of the file used for the file
buffer and then reads and writes that file directly without
using DOS. This technique is not totally unique to BGFT, as
most 'fast' backup programs and all defragmenting programs
bypass DOS in a similar fashion. BGFT uses several error
checking algorithms to confirm that the file buffer file has
not been inadvertently re-located.
1.2 What's New in Version 3
Version 3 of BGFT is significantly different from the previous
releases in version 2. Many users have asked for Zmodem. We
have listened and delivered! Many users have asked for larger
file buffers. You can now have one several megabytes in size
on your hard disk. There were many requests for an improved
user interface. Now there are pull down menus and features
like a scroll back buffer, clipboard and ASCII capture. Users
told us that BGFT was not easy to install and get running. Now
there is an installation program to do much of the set up for
All in all, BGFT has matured into a full featured
communications program in response to our user's requests. We
hope you enjoy it.
1.3 Registered User Support
Registered user support is available via Dirac Systems' BBS;
the telephone number is modem (416) 283-7157.
You may also write to us at:
Dirac Systems
P. O. Box 476
West Hill, ON
Dirac Systems will answer your questions, to help you get the
most out of BGFT; registered users will get preferential
attention. Also, Dirac Systems will consider making changes to
suit your needs. Try giving us a call.
We support BGFT on CompuServe; there are two membership
numbers that you can contact:
73670,2424 (Rick MacDonald)
72570,2633 (Tim Chapman)
Dirac Systems is also pleased to join Canada Remote Systems
(CRS) to offer unparalleled BBS support throughout North
America. Users of our products can send email to the 'BGFT',
'IBM', 'Shareware Authors' or 'Vendors' conferences on
NorthAmeriNet (NANET). Address inquiries to Tim Chapman or
Rick MacDonald on CRS in the Toronto, Ontario area. You can
also contact Rafael Moya on the Rose Media BBS in Toronto.
We can also be reached through the Usenet mail network via
CRS. Our email addresses are:
and the Fido address of CRS Main (PCBoard) is
Please note that CRS is likely to change its name in early
Rick MacDonald also has the email address:
1.4 Why Register?
There are a number of reasons why you should register.
As you can see, there will be extensive user support.
BGFT is a low cost solution to having the benefits of
background file transfer in DOS. It is only CAN$34.95. Please
use the order form, BGFTORDR.FRM, to register.
Once registered, BGFT is registered for life. There are no
upgrade costs even if significant functional changes are
included. See the upgrade policy in Section 2.3.
The registered version of BGFTres.COM is uniquely serialized
and replace the unregistered ones. This will get rid of the
opening screens advertising the registration request on the
foreground programs.
We are marketing BGFT through the Shareware method. You get to
evaluate its full capabilities on a fair trial basis. This is
beneficial to the customer because he or she can determine
whether the software product fulfills a need on their own
We expect you to register the software if you are going to
continue to use it after the trial. This shows that the
product has value. It is the moral and financial
responsibility of the user to then pay for registration.
We are able to offer a superior product at a low cost due to
Shareware. Many hours of labor are spent in its production and
continuing support. A fair return is our measure of product
value. The authors want to support you and BGFT in the future
but must have user patronage to do it.
2.0 Red Tape
BGFT is being marketed as Shareware. You are able to try out
the full capabilities of the programs. After a short trial
period you will have had the opportunity to evaluate the
compatibility of the software with your system and whether you
wish to continue using it. You will then be expected to
purchase a registered copy.
2.1 Disclaimer of Warranty
This software and documentation are provided 'as is' and
without warranties as to performance of merchantability or any
other warranties whether expressed or implied. Because of the
various hardware and software environments into which these
programs may be put, no warranty of fitness for a particular
purpose is offered.
Good data processing procedure dictates that any program be
thoroughly tested with non-critical data before relying on it.
The user must assume the entire risk of using the program. Any
liability of the seller will be limited exclusively to product
replacement or refund of purchase price.
2.2 Copyright Notice
The BGFT package includes the following executable programs:
Resident program for use with the hard disk file buffer.
Resident program for use with a floppy file buffer.
Makes a file buffer up to 65 megabytes on hard drive C:.
Main foreground program to control resident program.
Command line foreground program for resident program.
Windows 3 application to monitor file transfers.
Puts BGFT initialized floppy back to DOS floppy.
Directory lister for BGFT or DOS floppies and file buffer.
PROCOMM/Telix/Qmodem phone directories to BGFT format.
Other support files are:
Latest BGFT notes and revision histories.
Order form for registering BGFT package.
BGFT documentation; this file.
BGFT.EXE help screens.
Other BGFT.EXE screens.
Sample BGFT dialing directory file.
Initialize resident's communication port and baud rate.
BGFTDZPC.ASP: PROCOMM PLUS script for Zmodem download.
BGFTDYPC.ASP: PROCOMM PLUS script for Ymodem-Batch download.
BGFTDXPC.ASP: PROCOMM PLUS script for Xmodem CRC/1K download.
BGFTUZPC.ASP: PROCOMM PLUS script for Zmodem upload.
BGFTUYPC.ASP: PROCOMM PLUS script for Ymodem-Batch upload.
BGFTUXPC.ASP: PROCOMM PLUS script for Xmodem-CRC upload.
BGFTUIPC.ASP: PROCOMM PLUS script for Xmodem-1K upload.
Qmodem Specific:
BGFTDZQM.SCR: Qmodem script for Zmodem download.
BGFTDYQM.SCR: Qmodem script for Ymodem-Batch download.
BGFTDXQM.SCR: Qmodem script for Xmodem-CRC/1K download.
BGFTUZQM.SCR: Qmodem script for Zmodem upload.
BGFTUYQM.SCR: Qmodem script for Ymodem-Batch upload.
BGFTUXQM.SCR: Qmodem script for Xmodem-CRC upload.
BGFTUIQM.SCR: Qmodem script for Xmodem-1K upload.
Telix Specific:
BGFTADD.BAT: Batch file adds BGFT external protocols to Telix.
BGFTTELX.DAT: Data file for BGFTADD.BAT; modifies TELIX.CNF.
BGFTSLC.BAT: Batch file to compile all Telix support scripts.
BGFTDZTL.SLT: Telix script for Zmodem download.
BGFTDYTL.SLT: Telix script for Ymodem-Batch download.
BGFTDXTL.SLT: Telix script for Xmodem-CRC/1K download.
BGFTUZTL.SLT: Telix script for Zmodem upload.
BGFTUYTL.SLT: Telix script for Ymodem-Batch upload.
BGFTUXTL.SLT: Telix script for Xmodem-CRC upload.
BGFTUITL.SLT: Telix script for Xmodem-1K upload.
Microsoft Windows 3:
BGFT386.PIF: PIF file to set up BGFT DOS session on a 386/486.
BGFT386.BAT: Batch file to call BGFT DOS session on a 386/486.
These files are Copyright (c) 1990-1993 by Dirac Systems, with
all rights reserved. These products are commercial software
and are licensed to the registered user, and are not to be
distributed in any way, electronically or otherwise.
The shareware evaluation package includes all the files listed
above except that BGFT.EXE and BGFTOPT.EXE have special
momentary screens which inform the user about registration.
This may be distributed by the Shareware marketing method. See
Section 3.1 for some fuller descriptions of the files.
2.3 Upgrade Policy
In order to provide our customers with advances in performance
and convenience there will be new versions of BGFT from time
to time. Maintenance releases will increase the version number
in the hundredth's digit of the version number, for example,
3.10 to 3.11; this is a minor release which will fix small
problems. Product improvement releases will increase the
version number in the tenth's digit of the version number, for
example, 3.11 to 3.20; this is also a minor release. Major
product changes will require increases in the version number,
for example, 2.11 to 3.00; this would mean a significant
functionality change. Changes are not whimsical; they are the
result of customer input leading to careful development and
testing. A number of fixes or improvements constitute a change
so that releases are not too frequent. Releases that are
referred to as minor will, in fact, provide some more
substantial abilities or improvements.
Minor revisions will normally have no cost increase; there may
be cost changes due to circumstances beyond our control, as in
changes to taxes, mail rates or inflationary pressures. Since
prices are subject to change, please refer to the latest
Shareware release or Dirac Systems to determine the present
upgrade rates; incorrect upgrade or registration orders cannot
be processed. The upgrade policy and price is guaranteed for
Registered users of any BGFT version have registration for
life. When a Shareware upgrade of the software appears,
registered users are free to use it regardless of its
functional change. Provision is made for them to transfer
their serial number to the new version. Registered users of
Version 2.x of BGFT should contact Dirac Systems' support BBS
to find out how to take advantage of their investment under
this policy.
A new copy of the latest versions will be sent to registered
users if they require one. The cost is CAN$10.00 to cover
postage and handling. Province of Ontario residents must add
the Provincial Sales Tax (PST) but not the Goods and Services
Tax (GST).
2.4 Hardware and Software Requirements
The requirements are minimal. BGFT will run on IBM PC/XT/AT
compatible computers using DOS 3.1 or greater. It will run on
machines with an 8088, 286, 386 or 486 CPU. The resident
portion, BGFTres.COM, requires about 60K of memory which may
be loaded high with DOS 5. The main user interface requires up
to 230K of memory depending on memory allocation; usually it
is less than 200K. The user interface is not required during
2.5 Definition of Terms
Alt_X: An 'Alt_Key' combination, performed by pressing the
Alt key and then the given key 'X' (or 'x') together
ASPECT: Trademark of Datastorm Technologies Inc.
AT: Advanced Technology computer based on an Intel 80286 or
higher central processing unit.
BBS: Bulletin Board Service.
BGFT: BackGround File Transfer System, trademark of Dirac
BIOS: Basic Input/Output System.
CompuServe: Registered trademark of CompuServe Incorporated.
CRC: Cyclic Redundancy Check.
CRS: Canada Remote Systems.
DESQview: Trademark of Quarterdeck Office Systems.
DOS: Disk Operating System.
DR DOS: Trademark of Digital Research.
ENTER: The Enter or Return key.
ESC: The Escape key.
Fxx: A function key, for example, F10 accepts data from data
entry forms.
IBM: Registered trademark of International Business Machines
Microsoft Windows: Registered trademark of Microsoft
MS DOS: Registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
PROCOMM: Registered trademark of Datastorm Technologies Inc.
PROCOMM PLUS: Trademark of Datastorm Technologies Inc.
PgDn: Page Down key, for requesting a download.
PgUp: Page Up key, for requesting an upload.
Qmodem: Trademark of Mustang Software, Inc..
SALT: Trademark of Exis Inc.
Smartmodem: Registered trademark of Hayes Microcomputer
SPACE: The Space bar.
Stacker: Trademark of Stacker, Inc.
Telemate: Trademark of White River Software.
Telix: Trademark of deltaComm Development.
TSR: Terminate and Stay Resident.
3.0 Getting Started with BGFT
The best way to find out about BGFT is to try it. BGFT's menu
and help systems make its operation straight forward.
On installing BGFTres.COM (that is, BGFTHDZM.COM or
BGFTFDZM.COM), less than 64K of memory is used up for the
resident part. This is relatively small when it is considered
that this controls the download and upload functions in back-
ground. BGFTres.COM was deliberately kept small to leave you
plenty of memory for foreground applications.
Even on expensive multitasking systems there is only one CPU
doing all the work, so it must be shared between all
processes. BGFTres.COM must use some CPU time to do its work;
this means that foreground programs may appear to run
slightly slower than their usual speed. This will depend on
the speed of the computer and the baud rate used for the file
3.1 Files in the Distribution
The BGFT package is distributed on two 360K 5.25 inch floppy
diskettes or one 720K 3.5 inch floppy diskette. All the
necessary files have been archived to save space. The
distribution files are in the files, BGFT300A.EXE and
BGFT300B.EXE, and are found on two separate 360K floppies;
the installation program, INSTALL.EXE will be on the floppy
with BGFT300A.EXE. The 720K floppy has all the files:
are self-unarchiving; we recommend using the installation
program, INSTALL.EXE, for them (see Section 4.1).
The order form for obtaining and registering BGFT.
Release notes and up-to-date information not found in the
This documentation file.
The program will set up the appropriate directory for BGFT
and put extracted files to where you want them. The
installation will give you the opportunity to have your
system up and ready for running BGFT quickly. See Section 4.
For users with a hard disk, it is recommended that these
files be located in a separate sub-directory such as
'\BGFT300'; this is done for you by the installation program,
This a generic term for the 'resident' portion of the system.
You run one of these programs to install the communications
driver for BGFT. BGFTres.COM is one of: BGFTHDZM.COM or
BGFTFDZM.COM for the Hard Drive and Floppy Drive file
buffers, respectively. Each program will perform background
file transfers using Zmodem, Ymodem-Batch, Xmodem CRC, or
Xmodem 1K protocols for uploads and downloads.
This is the resident program used when using a reserved
section of the hard drive C: as a file buffer. You can
set up any size of file buffer up to half of the
available disk space by using the program, BGFTFB.EXE.
It is used when you run the installation program; you
are asked how much space you wish to assign to the file
buffer. The size of the file buffer may also be changed
at any time using the utility, BGFTFB.EXE.
This is the resident program used when using a floppy
drive for the file buffer. The file buffer size is
determined by BGFT depending on the formatted capacity
of the floppy. Only the 1.2 megabyte floppy is
restricted to 720K. The resident program uses the floppy
drive A: or B: as selected; see Section 4.4.
Makes the hard drive file buffer on drive C: only. The file
buffer is used by BGFT exclusively and the rest of the drive
is available to DOS even during transfers. This program is
used to delete the file buffer if need be. See Section 4.3.
The main foreground 'interface' portion of the program. It
provides user control over the background file transfers and
facilitates moving files to and from the file buffer. See
Section 5.
Online help file for BGFT.EXE.
Screens for BGFT.EXE.
Dialing directory file for BGFT.EXE.
You can 'fix' a floppy diskette that has accidentally been
initialized for use as a BGFT file buffer back to a DOS
floppy. Data will be lost if used by BGFT for a file
transfer. This is the only documentation required for this
Indicates whether a floppy diskette in drive A:, or B:, is a
'BGFT floppy' or a 'DOS floppy', and prints out its directory
to the screen. For example, to access drive A: you would
List files in the hard drive file buffer by entering:
To access the file buffer being used as the active one by
BGFTres.COM enter:
This is the only documentation required for this utility.
Command line processor which does foreground control of the
resident programs, similar to BGFT.EXE. BGFTOPT can be used
as an external transfer protocol option for other commu-
nication programs such as PROCOMM PLUS, Qmodem, and Telix. It
is explained in detail in Section 6. BGFTOPT.EXE is meant for
use by the expert user who has specialized applications, such
as for external communication program protocols. Use BGFT.EXE
to move files from the file buffer to DOS directories.
Initialize resident's baud rate and communication port. The
file should be edited to the user's preference. The main
foreground program, BGFT.EXE, protects the user from most
inadvertent errors, it is also easier to use. BGFTINIT.BAT is
not required if BGFT.EXE is used. It is mandatory for use
with BGFTOPT.EXE; see Section 6.2.
Below is a list of Telix SALT language scripts which use
BGFTOPT.EXE as means to use external BGFT transfer protocols
using the resident background file transfer system. Each
script has comments to indicate its installation as an
external protocol and operation (see Section 6.3). The
example ideas can be used for any script-like language that
has adequate capability (eg, able to exit without hanging
BGFTDZTL.SLT Telix script for Zmodem download.
BGFTDYTL.SLT Telix script for Ymodem-Batch download.
BGFTDXTL.SLT Telix script for Xmodem-CRC/1K download.
BGFTUZTL.SLT Telix script for Zmodem upload.
BGFTUYTL.SLT Telix script for Ymodem-Batch upload.
BGFTUXTL.SLT Telix script for Xmodem-CRC upload.
BGFTUITL.SLT Telix script for Xmodem-1K upload.
There are a number of Telix support files; see Section 6.3 on
their use:
BGFTADD.BAT Batch file adds BGFT external protocols to Telix.
BGFTSLC.BAT Batch file to compile all Telix support scripts.
There is also a support package for PROCOMM PLUS (see Section
6.4); it is made up of the following files:
BGFTDZPC.ASP PROCOMM script for Zmodem download.
BGFTDYPC.ASP PROCOMM script for Ymodem-Batch download.
BGFTDXPC.ASP PROCOMM script for Xmodem-CRC/1K download.
BGFTUZPC.ASP PROCOMM script for Zmodem upload.
BGFTUYPC.ASP PROCOMM script for Ymodem-Batch upload.
BGFTUXPC.ASP PROCOMM script for Xmodem-CRC upload.
BGFTUIPC.ASP PROCOMM script for Xmodem-1K upload.
There is also a support package for Qmodem (see Section 6.5);
it is made up of the following files:
BGFTDZQM.SCR Qmodem script for Zmodem download.
BGFTDYQM.SCR Qmodem script for Ymodem-Batch download.
BGFTDXQM.SCR Qmodem script for Xmodem-CRC/1K download.
BGFTUZQM.SCR Qmodem script for Zmodem upload.
BGFTUYQM.SCR Qmodem script for Ymodem-Batch upload.
BGFTUXQM.SCR Qmodem script for Xmodem-CRC upload.
BGFTUIQM.SCR Qmodem script for Xmodem-1K upload.
Automatically translates a Version 1.x and 2.x PROCOMM PLUS,
Version 4.2 Qmodem or Version 3.x Telix telephone list to the
must be present in the directory in which the BGFT.DLG file
will be produced. Just run BGFTXDLG and choose the
translation you want. It will inform you that any BGFT.DLG
file in the directory will be overwritten; you can escape the
process, if required. A number of warnings will be produced
where items are found that are not appropriate for BGFT
operation. For example, the maximum baud rate is 57600, so
that higher ones are set to 57600. You can use your printer
and issue a 'Ctrl_P' to capture the warning list; you could
also use file redirection (see your DOS manual for
information). Fatal errors occur only for gross file problems
or incompatibilities that preclude further useful processing.
This is the only documentation required for this utility.
A Microsoft Windows 3 program to display information regard-
ing the background file transfer packet count and BGFT
resident status and the status of the current file transfer.
Its display may be used in minimized (recommended) or
maximized mode. An icon, BGFTSPY.ICO, is provided. You can
acknowledge fatal BGFT errors from the Help menu. Use
BGFTSPY.EXE only in real or standard mode Windows.
If you have a 386 or higher type of CPU you can run BGFT as a
DOS session in Windows enhanced mode. You can use these files
to manually install BGFT to be called in Microsoft Windows.
The batch file will have to be edited with an ASCII editor to
indicated where BGFTres.COM and BGFT.EXE are. The PIF file
will have to have the path to batch file included.
3.2 Trying it Out
In order to introduce you to the operation of BGFT, we
suggest that you follow the example BGFT session presented
here. We will illustrate the way you will use BGFT most
often. The process is simple and has been geared to help you
"try it out".
The following assumes that this is the first time that you
are using BGFT. Let's assume that you first try it out as
Shareware. You will have downloaded the packages:
BGFT302A.ZIP and BGFT302B.ZIP if you download from a BBS. For
this example you will need only the first package,
BGFT302A.ZIP. After you unzip it you should have the
resulting files in some working directory; make sure it is
NOT called, '\BGFT300'. Two of the important files that you
get from BGFT302A.ZIP are: INSTALL.EXE and BGFT300A.EXE; they
are used to create a 'minimal' BGFT installation for you to
try out. The program, INSTALL.EXE, will be used to extract
the files from the self-unarchiving file, BGFT300A.EXE.
The following example will show you how to:
- do a simplified hard drive C: installation of BGFT,
- use BGFT with a modem,
- use the Zmodem transfer protocol,
- download a file from a BBS in the background,
- use the BGFT file buffer and move files to DOS.
In order to do the installation you must be in the working
directory where you have INSTALL.EXE and BGFT300A.EXE. You
run the installation program (if needed, see Section 4 for
details) by entering:
You will be asked a number of simple questions in order to
customize your system. You will be prompted along the way.
Please make sure you do the following:
- You must have at least 1 megabyte of free space on drive
- Choose to do the minimal installation when asked at the
beginning of the installation. This will fast track your
installation of the BGFT file buffer on the hard drive
C:. You will be able to use the full features of BGFT in
its own standalone environment.
- Be prepared to indicate which communication port your
modem is on.
- Be prepared to indicate what baud rate your modem
normally uses.
- Be prepared to indicate whether your computer is
connected to a telephone line (normal) or directly to
another computer.
- Be prepared to indicate what kind of telephone line you
have (touch tone or rotary/pulse).
- When the hard disk file buffer is going to be created you
are asked how big you want it. Choose the buffer large
enough for downloading the amount of files you are
interested in, say 1000K (one million bytes). This is
done under the constraint of how much room you have left
on the drive C:.
- The installation procedure will suggest putting two lines
in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file to load the BGFT resident
program that your system needs and an environment
variable to tell BGFT where its home directory is. Agree
to add them since BGFT will be available for you each
time you run your computer.
- At the end of the installation choose to automatically
reboot your computer so that the new AUTOEXEC.BAT will be
executed. This will load the resident part of BGFT for
Make sure that your modem is on the desired communication
port and operating. Be sure to change your active
drive/directory to C:\BGFT300. You are now ready to use BGFT.
1) At the DOS prompt, enter
This will run the user interface for you. Since this is the
first time you would have run BGFT, there will be a warning
indicating that the scroll back buffer file was not found. Do
not be alarmed; just hit the 'ENTER' key to OK the message.
2) The standard opening BGFT screen will then appear. Running
BGFT will automatically activate the resident part. You will
see the appearance of the resident part's status display
'BGFT' (ready, with no errors), shown in the upper right
corner of the screen. It is a four character 'window'.
3) As prompted, press any key to continue. The opening screen
For unregistered users, BGFT will then show a screen to
remind you to register the program for your own use. Read
this screen and then press any key to continue.
4) A window message informs you that the modem is being
initialized. On completion of the modem initialization, you
will be in 'Terminal Mode'. Terminal Mode connects you to
your modem. You are able to communicate to the outside world
via the modem by typing in commands with the keyboard.
Typing Alt_Z, the help key (see Section 5.14), will show the
Terminal Mode 'hot' keys. These key combinations allow you to
access important parts of BGFT's user interface functions
The Alt_Z key sequence provides context sensitive help
throughout the program; use it when needed. Alt_O provides a
convenient overview help to assist you in navigating around
BGFT's features.
Typing Alt_M, or clicking the left mouse button on the top
line of the screen, will display the Main Menu and a little
bit of exploration will show you the layout of the system.
Hitting 'ESC' out of the menus will get you back into
Terminal Mode.
5) From Terminal Mode you can check your modem's readiness by
typing 'AT', followed by 'ENTER'. The modem should respond
'OK'. Some modems will also accept 'at' for the 'attention'
prompt. When BGFT initialized the modem in step 4) above, it
sent the command 'ATE1' to cause the modem to echo responses
in Terminal Mode. If you do not get an 'OK' you should
consult Section 5.5.2 and your modem documentation. It is
assumed that your modem's attention commands are nominally
Hayes compatible; see Section 4.8.
To dial a number to a BBS, type 'Alt_P' which will display
the dialing directory. The dialing directory file provided
with BGFT has been set up to contain two entries for Dirac
Systems' BBS: one for local dialing and one for long distance
dialing. The first entry is 'selected' as shown by the
highlighted bar.
Type 'Alt_A', or use the mouse to click the left button on
the <Add> button, to add a dialing entry between entries 1
and 2. Fill out the dialog box fields to enter the number,
name of the BBS you want to dial, and so on. The new entry
will be entry number 2; the previous entry 2 will be re-
numbered to entry number 3.
You can move to different fields by using the tab key. The
mouse provides direct control. Use the arrow keys to indicate
Once the dialing data entry dialog box has been completed,
accept your input by pressing 'ENTER' or hit 'ESC' if you
wish to abandon your input. Assuming you pressed 'ENTER', a
window pops up to ask if you want to save the changes to
disk. Type 'Y' to make the change permanent; typing 'N' keeps
the entry only as long as the dialing directory is on screen.
If you pressed 'Y' then a dialog box pops up to show that the
dialing directory will be saved to a file called BGFT.DLG, in
the current drive/directory. This dialog box allows you to
save the file with any name you choose on any drive/directory
on your computer. For now, press 'ENTER' to accept this file
name and drive/directory.
At this point BGFT lets you know that this dialing directory
file already exists and asks if you want to overwrite it. In
this case press 'Y' to overwrite. Your changes have now been
saved in the default dialing directory file, BGFT.DLG.
The new dialing entry will be shown as 'selected' by the
highlight bar and is ready for dialing. On pressing 'ENTER'
the dialing entry will be dialed and an information window
will appear displaying the number dialed. To abort dialing
press 'ESC'; typing any other key returns you to Terminal
If you have sound enabled on your modem you should be able to
hear the modem dial the selected number. The dialing that
takes place is actually done in the background. This means
that you can exit BGFT, done by typing Alt_X, and dialing
will continue. Indeed, you can run any of your normal
software as dialing continues. For this example, it is
assumed that the connection is made soon.
The BGFT status window will indicate the dialing progress.
When the number is dialed you will see 'DIAL' in the window.
It will 'WAIT' for a connection until it times out; you will
see a 'PAUS' as it does this. The number will be retried
until it gets a connection.
When a connection is made, the BGFT resident will 'beep' and
the status display in the top corner of the screen will
indicate 'BGFT'. You will be in Terminal Mode.
Press 'ENTER' a couple of times from BGFT until the BBS re-
sponds. Some BBSs may respond without any user action. Log on
Give the commands necessary to tell the BBS to start
downloading a file using Zmodem.
After a few seconds delay, BGFT's status window will change
from 'BGFT' to 'DNLD'. A few Zmodem start up characters may
be seen on the Terminal Mode screen. The menu bar at the top
of the screen will then appear. You will not be able to
return to Terminal Mode until the transfer is complete;
however, a number of BGFT's functions are still available to
you via the menus. The 'DNLD' will be replaced by '1', '2',
'3', and so on to indicate 1 Kilobyte blocks being
transferred to your system. Pressing the Alt_N 'hot' key
displays an information window which provides the status of
the file currently being transferred.
Exit BGFT at any time by typing Alt_X. You can use your
computer for whatever compatible purposes you want while the
background file transfer is occurring. On exiting BGFT, a pop
up window asks whether you really want to exit. Press 'Y' to
exit. You can configure BGFT (see Section using the
Setup menu to exit without confirmation; this is much
quicker. Unregistered users will see another screen; press
any key to continue.
While in DOS you will see the BGFT status window receiving 1
Kilobyte packets.
6) When the downloading is completed, the BGFT resident will
beep a few times to let you know it has finished downloading
the file. The BGFT status window will show 'OK'.
To retrieve the downloaded file you must run BGFT again. To
do this, return to the DOS prompt and enter 'BGFT'. As
before, you must get through the opening screens
(unregistered version only). The scroll back buffer file,
BGFT300.SBB, will have been created so you will not get any
warning. A dialog window appears and BGFT beeps once to tell
you that there is a downloaded file in the file buffer. Press
'Y' to indicate that you wish to 'move' the file from the
file buffer so you can use it.
Another dialog box appears and shows the downloaded file in a
list. You choose files to move by hitting the space bar. The
'd' (download) symbol to the right of the file name will
toggle to '*' to indicate that it is tagged for moving. You
can also tag all the files by typing Alt_T; this is useful if
you download many files.
A default download target DOS directory is shown at the top.
You can change it by tabbing to the 'Directories' list and
using arrow keys to choose a new one by entering the
highlighted choice; the path for moving will then change. You
may use a mouse to achieve the same thing. Type Alt_M or
click on <Move> with your mouse to start the file move. A
status window then shows the progress of the files as they
are moved from the file buffer to the DOS directory.
On completion of the file move you will then be in Terminal
Mode. Type Alt_L to list the files in the file buffer; there
should be none since they were moved to the DOS directory.
Type Alt_X to leave BGFT. The downloaded file can be found in
the download drive/directory you accepted. It is now
available for your use.
The download example is now complete.
You can see that BGFT is easy to use and that it is
effective. Section 5 goes into detail about using BGFT.EXE
and its advanced features. You may want to configure BGFT
more to your preferences. You will be an expert in its use
very quickly; remember, it is full of context sensitive help.
4.0 Installation, File Buffers, and Resident Programs
This Section will describe how to install and run the BGFT
resident programs on your computer system.
Installation of BGFT is normally a one time event. It can be
done manually or semi-automatically with the provided program,
INSTALL.EXE. We recommend using INSTALL.EXE to set up your
system. It will guide you through a set up depending on what
you determine your needs to be. You can either run the
installation again at some other date to change things or
change them yourself.
The BGFT package has a lot of potential. Some users may not
want all of it so the INSTALL.EXE program will minimize the
files that you need. Moreover, there is a minimal installation
that can be done; this will give you the standalone BGFT
environment using the hard drive C: file buffer.
In the full installation, one of the major choices you have in
setting up your system is the choice of file buffer that you
will use. We recommend the hard drive file buffer since it is
faster and more convenient than the floppy based buffer. If
you use the hard drive file buffer you will use the resident
program, BGFTHDZM.COM for background file transfers. If you
use the floppy drive you will use the resident program,
BGFTFDZM.COM. We will refer to either by a generic name,
BGFTres.COM. The installation program will take care of all
these details and will load the resident you wanted through
your AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
The file buffer is used as a means to avoid conflicts with DOS
during BGFT background transfers. The hard drive file buffer
is a special initialized file reserved for BGFT on Drive C:. A
whole floppy drive A: or B: can also be used as a file buffer;
it is just a DOS formatted diskette which is manually
initialized by BGFT.
Running the BGFT communication environment is started by
loading the resident part, BGFTres.COM, and then running the
interface part, BGFT.EXE. BGFTres.COM exists as a TSR to do
the dialing and file transfers in background and to be
accessed and commanded by BGFT.EXE. The user interface, for
example, allows you to move downloaded files from the file
buffer to DOS directories for use. The operation of BGFT.EXE
is explained in Section 5.
If you reinstall BGFT or are upgrading from a former version,
you should delete all the old files except the dialing
directory, BGFT.DLG. Save the dialing directory either for
information or for use with the new files, if it is
compatible. In upgrading from version 3 files you may want to
protect the configuration file, BGFT300.CNF.
4.1 The Installation Program
When you receive BGFT as a registered package there should be
the following files on the distribution floppy or floppies:
These are the archived packages of BGFT programs and files;
they are not "executable" in the normal sense, they contain
files that are extracted during the installation process.
There are two files so that they can be distributed more
easily. When you register BGFT and order the files sent on a
720K floppy, you will receive one floppy with the two
registered distribution files and the installation program,
INSTALL.EXE. If you order the files on 360K floppies then you
will receive two floppies; one will have INSTALL.EXE and
BGFT300A.EXE on it and the other will have BGFT300B.EXE on it.
The installation program will look for both distribution files
and deal with them; if it cannot find the second
(BGFT300B.EXE) then it assumes it is on a second floppy and
will ask you to insert it in your 5.25 inch floppy drive.
BGFT300A.EXE contains all the files required for a minimal
installation of BGFT on a hard drive. If you are new to BGFT
or just want to evaluate the Shareware version, this might be
all you need to get going. If you want the use the floppy
based file buffer, Microsoft Windows 3.1 files, or files to
run BGFT with other communications products then you can run
the full installation again with BGFT300B.EXE included.
The following files are in BGFT300A.EXE:
BGFT300B.EXE contains all the other files. If you want the
full installation you must have both the A and B files.
This is the installation program. It will appear with
BGFT300A.EXE on a two 360K floppy distribution; BGFT300B.EXE
will be on the other floppy. A 720K floppy distribution will
have INSTALL.EXE, BGFT300A.EXE, and BGFT300B.EXE on the one
This is a file, or a number of similar files, with information
you should read for uptodate information not in the
If you download BGFT as a Shareware evaluation package it
should be the two files: BGFT302A.ZIP and BGFT302B.ZIP. Be
sure that you start off in a directory that is not called,
'\BGFT300' since the construction of such a directory is part
of the installation itself. Keep all files in the same
directory. BGFT302A.ZIP allows a minimal hard drive
installation of BGFT. You should use the appropriate
unarchiving program to extract the above files. For PKZIP from
PKWARE you would enter
This will produce the two files: INSTALL.EXE and BGFT300A.EXE
and, perhaps, a text file to read. Do the same to BGFT302B.ZIP
to produce the file, BGFT300B.EXE.
You are able to use BGFT in a variety of ways. It can be used
as a standalone telecommunications program or it can be used
as an add-on with other popular packages. It can use a hard
drive or floppy drive file buffer. There are numerous
combinations of settings that you have for your modem and so
on. The installation program, INSTALL.EXE, helps you make
these choices that define your system. This is of particular
use if this is the first time that you have encountered BGFT.
If you have the Shareware files, go to the directory where you
unzipped the files and enter:
and follow the prompts.
If you have the registered distribution 720K floppy, put it in
Drive A:, for example (assuming the drive supports the media).
The installation program is easy to run; just go to drive A:
by entering
and then enter:
and follow the prompts.
If you have the two floppy registered distribution be sure to
put in the floppy with INSTALL.EXE on it first. When the
second floppy is required you will be informed.
You can have an installation strategy at the beginning. If you
are new to BGFT we recommend that you start off using our user
friendly program, BGFT.EXE, as your interface program. It is
convenient and easy to use. If you want to use the
capabilities of BGFT with other programs you will have to use
the less friendly program, BGFTOPT.EXE; it is described in
Section 6.
When you run the installation you always have the ability of
quitting the program. You can always start again. The question
for quitting requires a yes or no answer (y/n); a 'No'
requires the 'n' or 'N' to be pressed, otherwise, any other
answer, including 'y' or 'Y', will be taken as a 'Yes'.
The INSTALL program is straight forward. The following is
provided to describe what is available.
You can run INSTALL with command line switches; normally you
don't use them. There is a debugging mode that can be used by
This will do all the things done normally but will tell you
some information about your system and what it is constructing
internally for path statements and so on. You can use this if
you want to see what the program is assuming in case things
did not turn out the way you expected.
You can enter,
to see a little background on the BGFT story.
Normally, you would just enter
to start the installation.
If you want to do a manual installation see Section 4.2.
4.1.1 Minimal Installation
BGFT is commonly used as a communications program that does
background file transfers. As a standalone program you can use
it for most of your needs. The hard drive C: file buffer gives
the best performance since the hard drive is so much faster.
The installation program will allow you to 'fast track' in
this direction if you want.
When BGFT300A.EXE is found, the installation will ask whether
you want to use it for the minimal installation. You can chose
to do so or do the full installation instead. The minimal path
will not ask about file buffer choices (Section 4.1.2), files
for other communication products (Section 4.1.3), or Microsoft
Windows files (Section 4.1.6) since they will not be
4.1.2 File Buffer Choice
The first choice you have is to use a hard drive file buffer
or a floppy drive file buffer.
If you choose the floppy drive file buffer you will be asked
which floppy drive (A: or B:) that you want to use. The whole
floppy is used as a BGFT file buffer and is unavailable for
other uses.
If you choose the hard drive file buffer you will cannot have
the BGFTres.COM already loaded. You will have to leave the
installation and reboot your system so that BGFTres.COM is not
The hard drive file buffer directory must go on Drive C:. This
is a limitation. You must have adequate space on any drive for
the installation; otherwise, you are informed about the
deficiency and will have to leave the installation. If you
have to leave, go to the drive to make room as suggested.
Users of STACKER are supported. The unstacked companion drive
to C: will be used for the file buffer location.
If BGFTres.COM loads automatically in your AUTOEXEC.BAT, you
will have to edit it to avoid loading the resident.
When you get back to this point where you left off, you will
be allowed to continue. The reason you must not have the
resident programs loaded is for making sure that there will
not be a conflict over the hard drive file buffer when it is
being created.
Only a portion of drive C: is used as a BGFT file buffer. The
rest of the drive is always accessible by DOS.
4.1.3 BGFT Directory
You are required to have your BGFT directory called
'\BGFT300'. If a hard drive file buffer is chosen then it must
be on drive C:. If a floppy drive file buffer is chosen then
it cannot be where the file buffer will be. Otherwise, the
directory can be on any legal drive that has enough space for
the installation.
4.1.4 Support Files for Other Communication Products
After you have completed the choice of file buffer, you will
be asked if you want to install files to support other
telecommunication programs. There are specific files for
PROCOMM PLUS, Qmodem, and Telix. You will have the files
copied to the corresponding directory where you keep other
files for them. Any other installations you require, such as
script compilation, will have to done manually. You can, in
fact, move a basic (generic) set of these support files to any
When you input the directory name for the destination of the
support files, you can edit your entry. Press 'F1' for help on
the editing functions. The edit entry will appear yellow on
color screens.
4.1.5 Changes to AUTOEXEC.BAT
The installation program will have determined where your BGFT
directory should be and what command is appropriate to load
the resident part of BGFT. This information is recommended to
go into your AUTOEXEC.BAT so that it is available to you each
time you turn on your computer. The AUTOEXEC.BAT file is
always run first and the objective is to load the correct
resident you specified and the environment variable used by
BGFT to tell it where its home directory is.
You will be presented with the additions expected to go into
the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. You can keep them, reject them, or
Your AUTOEXEC.BAT is checked for occurrences of the string
"BGFT". This will indicate that there may have been previous
installations of BGFT. You will have the choice of keeping,
making the entry a remark (makes the line inoperative in the
batch file) or deleting the lines of the new AUTOEXEC.BAT.
The installation will not put the BGFT directory in your PATH
4.1.6 System Specific Details
The user interface program, BGFT.EXE, has a configuration file
that it uses to correspond to your system and preferences. The
INSTALL program sets up a basic configuration file,
BGFT300.CNF, for BGFT.EXE. One of the most important things
that BGFT.EXE does when it is first run is to initialize
BGFTres.COM as to the communication port to be used and what
its default baud rate is. The baud rate may be changed during
a computer session but the communication port cannot. The
INSTALL program will ask for the communication port you want
to use and its baud rate.
There are two ways to use a communication port. It can be
connected directly to another computer or, more normally, to a
modem. You will be asked which to use.
There are two types of telephone dialing methods that are
used: the older pulse kind and the modern tone dialing kind.
You will be asked which one you want.
4.1.7 Files for Microsoft Windows
Some users will have Windows 3. BGFT will run under Windows
and there is a Windows program that will monitor the progress
of background file transfers. There is also an icon available
for it. There is also support files for 386/486 users You will
be asked if you want it in your BGFT directory. You will have
to install it in Windows yourself. See also Section 4.15.
4.1.8 Automatic Sequence
You have given the required information to allow the automatic
One of the first things you are asked to choose a minimal
or full installation. The course of the installation will
vary depending on what you choose.
A BGFT directory, \BGFT300, is created on the drive that
you specified. There is no problem if it was created
before. Typically you would have deleted all the files
from it.
All the files in the distribution files, BGFT300A.EXE and
BGFT300B.EXE, are expanded to the target BGFT directory.
If the same files exist already from a previous
installation, the unarchiving program will prompt you as
to whether you want them overwritten with the new files.
Normally you would overwrite the files; you may want to
backup your dialing directory, BGFT.DLG, if it has been
modified for your use.
The support files for other communication products are
copied to the respective directory, if chosen. The BGFT
initialization batch file, BGFTINIT.BAT, is updated with
the relevant input.
The support files for Microsoft Windows 3 use are
retained in the BGFT target directory, if chosen.
Unnecessary files are deleted.
The hard drive C: file buffer, BGFTHDFB.DAT, is created
interactively with another program, BGFTFB.EXE, if it was
specified. Just enter a size of file buffer that you
want. Sometimes there may be times when retries are
needed to successfully create a file buffer; you will be
notified. Floppy file buffers have to be manually
created; see Section 4.6.
The old AUTOEXEC.BAT file is backed up to AUTOEXEC.BAK in
the boot up root directory (taken to be the C: drive).
The new AUTOEXEC.BAT file replaces the old one.
The configuration file, BGFT300.CNF, is created for the
BGFT user interface program, BGFT.EXE. If an old
configuration file is found then old settings are
retained that are not asked about during the normal
installation. This allows you to retain old color choices
and so on.
You will be able to reboot your computer at the end of
the installation to run the new AUTOEXEC.BAT file or go
to DOS.
That is the end to this installation procedure.
The BGFT.EXE configuration file can be more fully set up to
your needs. See Section 5.
When you reboot your computer the correct BGFT resident will
be loaded and ready for use with the interface, BGFT.EXE. If
you desire a more custom setup or addition features you can
read the rest of this Section. If you chose the floppy drive
as the file buffer you will have to initialize a floppy
diskette as described in Section 4.6. Otherwise, you are ready
to use BGFT.
4.2 Manually Organizing the Files
If you did not use the installation procedure above, you must
keep all the files associated with BGFT in one directory,
'\BGFT300' to do the manual installation. Specifically, use
the DOS Make Directory command to make a directory from the
root directory, for example:
If you use the hard disk file buffer then the directory must
be on Drive C:. Suppose you set up BGFT on Drive C:.
BGFT is distributed via BBSs for Shareware evaluation in an
archived format as files, BGFT302A.ZIP and BGFT302B.ZIP. Copy
the archived files into the directory '\BGFT300' by entering:
Then use the change directory command to enter the new
To unarchive the files you will require PKWARE's PKUNZIP,
Version 1.10 or greater. Enter the following:
and the files INSTALL.EXE, BGFTREAD.ME, BGFT300A.EXE and
BGFT300B.EXE will be produced.
To further extract the files you can run the self unarchiving
files by entering:
When you register BGFT you will receive a one or two floppy
distribution as you request; copy all the distribution files
on the floppies we send you into the new directory. Supposing
that the distribution diskette is in drive A: and that you
made a '\BGFT300' directory is on hard drive C: as described
above, you would enter:
COPY A:*.* C:\BGFT300
for each of the floppies.
The files, BGFT300A.EXE and bgft300B.EXE, will automatically
unarchive the necessary files themselves. Simply enter:
You should be careful about overwriting your dialing directory
if you had one before.
You will be able to use the files as you see fit.
4.3 Hard Disk Drive File Buffer Creation
Normally the hard disk file buffer is made as part of the
installation but it may be made manually at any time. The
program, BGFTFB.EXE, is used.
BGFTres.COM must not be loaded when using BGFTFB.EXE so there
is a guarantee of no access conflict between the two programs.
The only hard drive BGFTFB.EXE can create a file buffer on is
Drive C:. It must be made in the directory, \BGFT300. It
cannot be run on a floppy drive or other hard drive partitions
(D:, E:, and so on).
To run the program enter,
and follow the prompts. If you just hit RETURN when asked to
create a hard drive file buffer, it will delete any previous
one that you made. Otherwise, enter a number corresponding to
the size, in Kilobytes, that you want the file buffer to be.
The only restriction is that the file buffer cannot be larger
than 32767 Kilobytes on your C: drive.
From time to time you may find that the program cannot make a
file buffer the first time. The program will retry five times.
If a file buffer cannot be made and verified, it may be due to
disk defragmentation or other reasons.
The file that is produced, BGFTHDFB.DAT, is a 'read-only' file
to make it difficult to modify or move unintentionally; it
should be reserved for BGFT's sole use. You will not be able
to delete it with DOS unless the read-only status is changed;
use BGFTFB.EXE if need be. Users must not use any utility or
means to modify or relocate this file while transfers take
place. The file is automatically initialized by BGFTFB.EXE for
BGFT's use. You may 'initialize' it (see Section 5.9.2) with
BGFT.EXE which would be equivalent to 'erasing' all files from
the file buffer.
The file buffer is used to contain download and upload files
for use by the resident program, BGFTHDZM.COM. The downloaded
files may be moved to regular DOS files by BGFT.EXE; see
Section 5. The upload files may be uploaded as commanded by
using BGFT.EXE.
From time to time you will notice that there is a file
reorganization that takes place with the file buffer. This is
a house keeping chore needed to organize the file buffer
effectively. The BGFT window at the top right will show
progress in the reorganization as a percentage.
It is advisable for you to back up your drive before using
this file buffer utility and downloads with BGFT. Please read
the disclaimer in Section 2.1.
It is advisable to defragment your disk too. If you defragment
your disk you should delete the file buffer before doing so
and then create it again afterwards. The file buffer has its
own special mapping that may not make sense after
4.4 The Resident Programs
If you installed BGFT with the INSTALL program then the
desired resident program will be loaded into memory and ready
for use on rebooting your computer. Otherwise, you will have
to load it manually. BGFTres.COM is normally loaded after
turning on your computer and before any application programs
are run.
If you are going to use the hard drive file buffer you use the
resident program, BGFTHDZM.COM.
If you are going to use the floppy drive file buffer you use
the resident program, BGFTFDZM.COM.
The resident program, BGFTres.COM, accepts some command line
options. However, for normal operation, it is only necessary
to invoke the program with the command:
when using the hard disk as the file buffer (previously
prepared by BGFTFB.EXE; see Section 4.3). The hard drive file
buffer must be on Drive C:.
To use floppy drive A: as the file buffer, enter
Or, enter
to use floppy drive B: for the file buffer.
The floppy drive resident program will determine the size of
the file buffer that BGFT can support. See Sections 4.4 and
4.6. They are:
DOS Floppy BGFT File
Disk Size: Buffer Size:
360K 360K
720K 720K
1200K 720K
1440K 1440K
The command line options recognized by BGFTres.COM are:
/1 - Use COM port 1 (only if BGFT300.CNF does not exist).
/2 - Use COM port 2 (only if BGFT300.CNF does not exist).
/3 - Use COM port 3 (only if BGFT300.CNF does not exist).
/4 - Use COM port 4 (only if BGFT300.CNF does not exist).
/B - Use floppy drive B: as the file buffer. Only used for
BGFTFDZM.COM. Using floppy drive A: as the file buffer
needs no command since it is the default.
/C - Chain interrupts. Use if COM port 1 has a mouse and if
COM port 3 has a modem, similarly for the COM 2,4 pair.
Otherwise, do not use (eg, COM port 1 and COM port 4 are
all right.)
/E - 'Spawn' the resident program, that is, do not run it as
a TSR. Run it this way from a DOS shell if you want to
delete it from memory after use. Enter 'EXIT' at the DOS
prompt to exit the shell and release the program.
/I - Initialize the file buffer to BGFT format on startup.
This is not normally recommended. The hard drive file
buffer is automatically initialized on creation; the
floppy file buffer is usually manually initialized. An
initialization will erase existing files in the file
buffer. Initialization can be done from the interface
programs, BGFT.EXE or BGFTOPT.EXE.
/L - Loopback mode used to echo characters on the given port.
This is not normally used; it is used as a system debug
tool only.
/S - Use a String compare in background dialer. If a modem
cannot handle the carrier detect line properly for BGFT
operation, this command forces the BGFT resident to look
at modem string responses rather than relying on the
carrier detect line state. The problem may arise for new
types of modems when the modem initialization string
forces the carrier detect to be always true. BGFT will
not do a modem initialization since it sees a connection
already made and will ignore the request.
/? - This will list the valid list of arguments for the
command line options. This will only work if a resident
is not already loaded.
4.5 Resident Program Error Messages
The resident part displays error messages in its 'BGFT'
status window when it is turned on. The status window is a
small four character 'window' normally located at the upper
right corner of the screen. Its normal display is 'BGFT'
which means it is dormant and error free. The error messages
are displayed in the form: '**n' or '!!n' where n is a
number. The '**' messages are 'soft' errors which do not
cause file transfer to stop; the '!!' errors are 'hard'
errors which will cause the file transfer to terminate.
All hard errors must be acknowledged. You should use the
Transfer menu in BGFT.EXE to acknowledge hard errors (see
Section 5.8.9) or enter terminal mode where the
acknowledgement is done automatically. They may also be
acknowledged with BGFTOPT.EXE or BGFTSPY.EXE if you are in
The following is a list of the 'soft' error messages:
**0 In download or upload this is a timeout while
synchronizing to the host. It is normal to receive one
of these at the beginning of a transfer.
**1 In download (only), this is a timeout while receiving a
block. The usual cause of this is that something has
happened to lose a character; for example, running a
program during background transfers that disables
interrupts for an excessive period of time, which is
common of some CGA programs.
**2 This is a block check error during transfer. The block
will be present according to the Xmodem-CRC, Xmodem-1K,
or Ymodem-Batch protocols.
**3 This is a CRC error, meaning the block had bad data in
it. This may be experienced if the telephone line is
noisy or a foreground program temporarily disabled
computer interrupts.
**4 This is a duplicate block error, meaning the host sent
the same block twice for some reason. This is highly
**5 This is an error specific to Zmodem. It could be the
result of line noise or a protocol error from the host.
The following is a list of the 'hard' error messages:
!!0 This is a fatal timeout that would occur if the host was
not responding.
!!1 This error means that the host canceled the transfer.
!!2 This error indicates a file buffer error. This could be
due to an I/O disk error or, on uploading, due to no
upload files in the file buffer.
!!3 This occurs when the user requests to halt the transfer.
ERR This occurs when an unknown error condition is detected.
4.6 Floppy Disk Drive File Buffer Creation
The floppy disk file buffer must be made manually. The
floppies are formatted with DOS as usual and initialized for
use by BGFT. The user interface program, BGFT.EXE, is normally
used to initialize the diskette; see Section 5.9.2. The
program BGFTOPT.EXE may also be used with the '/I' command
line switch; see Section 6.7. The recommended procedure using
BGFT.EXE will be described here.
As explained above, each kind of floppy drive is capable of
having a certain size of file buffer. The whole drive is taken
over by BGFTFDZM.COM when it is used as a BGFT file buffer and
it will not accessible from DOS. It is possible to 'turn off'
the resident program so that the floppy can be accessed by DOS
for another DOS floppy; see Section 5.9.1.
Place a new floppy in the floppy drive when BGFTres.COM
is turned off or not loaded. Format it with the usual DOS
FORMAT command for the normal size of the drive. Do not
use custom format utilities. It is important that the
floppy diskettes must not have any bad sectors on them;
use the CHKDSK program that came with your version of DOS
to make sure. It is recommended that you throw away
diskettes that have bad sectors as a good practice
anyway; there is something wrong with the floppy.
Please be careful about using old diskettes with data on
them. Using them as BGFT diskettes will destroy the data.
However one of the supplied BGFT programs, BGFTFLPY.EXE,
will deinitialize a BGFT floppy; but is must be done
before it is used for BGFT file transfers.
Floppy drive file buffers must be initialized manually.
In order to initialize the floppy, BGFTres.COM must be
loaded. Put the DOS formatted floppy in the drive to be
used as the file buffer. Use BGFT.EXE to initialize the
floppy from the Utility menu.
You may also use BGFTOPT.EXE to initialize the floppy.
BGFTres.COM must be loaded and initialized with the
communication port and baud rate; use an edited version
of BGFTINIT.BAT with your communication port and default
baud rate (see Section 6.2). You then enter:
The file buffer is used to contain download and upload files
for BGFTFDZM.COM. See Section 5.8. There can be a combination
of 31 files in the file buffer.
The use of the floppy file buffer will be slower than the hard
drive file buffer for essentially the same reasons as in DOS
use. The size is restricted somewhat. However, many users like
to be able to use this piece of rarely used equipment for a
useful purpose. It is also a source of disk space that some
users may not have on their hard drive. A floppy with 1.44
Megabytes of room can make for a handy download area.
4.7 BGFT Environment
If you wish to run BGFT interface program, BGFT.EXE, from any
directory, you should include the BGFT directory in a PATH
statement in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. For example, if you have
installed BGFT in the directory '\BGFT300' on drive C:, then
the following PATH statement would suffice:
You should append the BGFT directory name to an already
existing PATH statement. The installation program will not
change your PATH statement.
BGFT uses a number of support files. In particular:
BGFT300.HLP - used for context sensitive help,
BGFT300.CNF - used to store the user configuration,
BGFT.DLG - used to store the dialing directory,
BGFT300.SCR - used for program screens.
Although BGFT will function without the file, BGFT300.HLP, it
will inform you that the help file is not available. You are
strongly recommended not to modify the help file in any way
because this will almost certainly upset the correct
functioning of the help system.
BGFT will work happily without the files, BGFT300.CNF and
BGFT.DLG; it will create these files the first time you save
the user configuration and the first time you save the dialing
directory, respectively. Again, if you modify these files, by
some means other than by using BGFT, the functioning of BGFT
may become unpredictable. Updated versions of BGFT may change
the format of the files so that it is recommended that old
ones should be deleted.
BGFT is designed to look for these four support files in one
of two possible locations. First, BGFT looks in the current
directory; if it cannot find the files there, it will look in
a user directory specified by the environment variable 'BGFT'.
The environment variable can be set, in your AUTOEXEC.BAT
file, as given in the following example:
In this example, the environment variable 'BGFT' is set to the
directory '\BGFT300' on drive C:; that is, to the directory
containing all the BGFT system files. This is recommended. If
the environment variable method is used then BGFT will place
the files BGFT300.CNF and BGFT.DLG in the directory specified
by the environment variable the first time it creates them. If
you wish to set up independent versions of these files in
other directories, but still set the environment variable,
then you should copy a version of these files, from the
directory specified by the environment variable, into the
desired directory, and then use BGFT to modify these files to
suit your needs.
For example, if you require to use more telephone numbers than
BGFT allows (200), simply set up another DOS directory and
place in it a copy of the file BGFT.DLG. With this new DOS
directory as the current directory, run BGFT, and use it to
modify the copy of BGFT.DLG to suit your needs.
4.8 Modem Requirements
Your modem must be 'nominally' Hayes compatible. This means
that it must respond to the normal 'ATxx' command set; for
example, 'ATDT 555-6789' will dial the number 555-6789, with
touch-tone dialing. The initialization string and the dialing
command can be changed via the 'Modem...' option in the
'Setup' menu. If your modem can detect a BUSY connection, then
the dialer can also be configured to redial immediately. See
Section 5.5.2.
It is important to note that your modem must be set up such
that the carrier detect line is active when a connection is
made. BGFT assumes that the carrier detect line will indicate
the status of the connection, ie. connected or disconnected.
If this is not the case then there are several consequences.
First, BGFT must be set up to be in 'direct connect' mode (see
Section 5.5.2). Second, the background dialer will be
inoperable but file transfer will still be possible. In most
cases, a Hayes compatible modem can be easily set up to
manipulate the carrier detect line, so this should not be a
problem; refer to your modem setup documentation for further
information. BGFT can be set up to use modem strings instead
of the carrier detect line; see Section 4.4.
4.9 Systems Without a Hard Drive
Even though BGFTres.COM makes exclusive use of drive A: or B:
floppy, it is possible to use the system with a computer
having only two floppy drives. Of course, the range of
operation will be limited, but it is possible.
In order to run your application from drive B:, it is
necessary to set the COMSPEC environment variable to point to
COMMAND.COM on drive B:. Use a command like:
which may be placed in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Of course,
COMMAND.COM must be present on drive B: in order for DOS to
operate correctly.
4.10 BGFT and DOS 5
The BGFT resident portion is quite small and is one of its
biggest benefits. You can use the DOS 5 LOADHIGH utility to
put BGFTres.COM into upper memory. This will leave the whole
640K transient area unaffected by BGFT's presence. You will
then be able to run large foreground programs while
BGFTres.COM is coincidentally being used in upper memory. See
your DOS 5 manual for details.
For example, you may add a line like the following to your
to load the hard drive file buffer resident into upper memory.
Your CONFIG.SYS should have the proper memory management and
so on for your system. An example for a 386 system might look
BGFT version 3.01 and above is compatible with STACKER.
In order to avoid DOS conflicts, BGFT uses its own mapping for
managing files in the BGFT file buffer. The location of the
hard drive file buffer is normally restricted to the directory
\BGFT300 on drive C:. STACKER uses file compaction techniques
to increase disk storage but this alters the mapping that BGFT
requires if drive C: is stacked.
If a user stacks the C: hard drive with STACKER then a pseudo
drive C: is created that is 'really' not C:. If there was only
one drive partition (C:) before installing STACKER then there
will be an associated unstacked 'drive' created. It will be
called the D: drive here since STACKER chooses the next drive
letter after all the existing partitions. The BGFT hard drive
file buffer maker, BGFTFB.EXE, will detect STACKER and create
its file buffer on the uncompressed portion of the C: drive
which is drive D: in this case.
STACKER normally reserves a megabyte of uncompressed space and
puts a few files there that are needed to boot the computer.
Usually this leaves about 900K bytes free that can be used for
a hard drive file buffer. If a larger file buffer is required
then run the STACKER utility, SDFRAG, to create more
uncompressed space; see the STACKER manual for detail.
4.12 BGFT and DR DOS
BGFT version 3.01 and above is compatible with DR DOS
formatted drives. However BGFT version 3.02 is not compatible
with the compaction utility, SUPERSTOR, in DR DOS.
4.13 Multitasking and Communications
Multitasking with DOS is one of those ideas that is much
simpler in theory than in practice. DOS just was not designed
to do more than one job at a time. Even the common exceptions
to this, such as the DOS print spooler or 'pop up' type
programs, are specific to the application at hand and the
techniques used to achieve the multitasking are not generally
The 'lifeline' of a multitasking system is interrupts. Even
more importantly, a communications program relies on
interrupts to process characters when they are received. If
the characters are not 'taken away', then they will be lost.
If an application program can easily disable interrupts then
multitasking, and therefore communications, is going to be
unreliable at best. Unfortunately with DOS on a PC, this is
the case.
Another major problem with DOS, as far as multitasking is
concerned, is that DOS is non-reentrant. This means that DOS
cannot be easily shared by applications running at the same
time. This is because its data areas are not protected from
simultaneous access.
Most TSRs, eg. pop ups, work around the reentrant problems by
trying to determine when DOS is busy; however, many DOS
internal routines, such as the 'TYPE' command for example,
keep DOS busy for as long as they execute. This again is a
problem for multitaskers.
OK, that is the bad news. The good news is that it is
possible to circumvent DOS, or, in some cases, to ignore it.
BGFT uses the latter approach. It does not use DOS in any
part of the file transfer operation; therefore, it cannot be
affected by DOS being busy.
Disabling interrupts is another story. With a PC running DOS
there is just no way to prevent disabling interrupts from
happening if a running piece of software does it. This is
true even with sophisticated multitaskers like Microsoft
Windows 3 and DESQview 386.
BGFT performs as well as running a 'standard' communications
program under one of those multitaskers but does not require
an Intel 80386 CPU and does not use anywhere near as much
The consequence of the interrupt disabling problem for file
transfer is that retries will occur during downloading. If
this is considered to be a serious problem in your
application, then there are some possible hardware solutions
such as the NS16550AS chip for your communications port;
contact Dirac Systems for assistance in this area.
BGFT will automatically detect the presence of the NS16550AS
chip and take advantage of its capabilities.
4.14 BGFT and DESQview
BGFT works exceptionally well with DESQview, particularly on
computers that have expanded memory or with DESQview 386
which emulates EEMS by using extended memory. This is because
of the following two reasons:
1) On the Intel 80386 CPU, the 'LOADHI' program can run
BGFTres.COM outside the 640K DOS address range. This means
that the resident part of BGFT does not use up any
conventional memory.
When installing QEMM.SYS it is necessary to specify the 'ram'
option. This is configuration dependent; see your DESQview
user's manual or give us a call as we may be able to help.
2) BGFT does not need to be made non-swappable. Thus DESQview
can swap BGFT.EXE to disk or to expanded memory without af-
fecting the communications.
If you use DESQview then give BGFT a try. That is the advan-
tage of Shareware.
4.15 BGFT and Microsoft Windows
BGFT is Microsoft Windows 3 compatible. Many DOS based
telecommunications programs cannot even run under Windows.
Others will have problems when trying to run Windows
applications and DOS programs; this is especially true for
286 or 8088 based machines.
BGFT allows the user to engage in DOS as well as Windows 3
activities while doing background transfers. Even Windows
based telecommunication programs will generally not let you
do that if not running in 386 protected mode.
You must install the BGFT resident, BGFTres.COM, before
running Windows. You must also initialize the resident with
the communications port and baud rate by using a variant of
the supplied batch file, BGFTINIT.BAT. Alternatively, you can
run BGFT.EXE briefly to automatically do the initialization.
You may then run Windows and use BGFT as you would normally.
Your Windows documentation will show you how to install
BGFT.EXE as a non-Windows application. The basic procedure is
as follows. In the Program Manager of Windows choose the DOS
applications group that you may have. Choose 'File' from the
Program Manager and then choose 'New' to install BGFT as an
item of the group. Where is asks for a 'Description' put in
'BGFT'. Click with your mouse onto the 'Command line' prompt
and enter the path name. where BGFT can be found; for
You can activate BGFT by clicking twice on the icon you
choose from the Program Manager.
A Windows 3 program, BGFTSPY.EXE, is included with BGFT to
allow you to monitor background file transfers while you use
other Windows programs. It can also acknowledge hard
transmission errors. Install BGFTSPY.EXE as above and call it
BGFTSPY; the supplied icon, BGFTSPY.ICO, will also be loaded.
This program is most useful in minimized mode as it will
show, in a compact form, the file packet number during file
transfers and other status messages from the BGFT resident
program. In maximized mode it will show more information. It
is loaded in iconic form which is minimized mode; click twice
on the icon for maximized mode.
You should only run BGFTSPY.EXE if the BGFT resident program
has been installed and initialized for communication port and
baud rate. You will be warned it you did neither. BGFTSPY.EXE
should only be run in Windows real or standard mode; under
protected mode, there is likely to be a conflict with
accesses to the resident program.
To use BGFT.EXE with older versions of Microsoft Windows it
is again necessary to load BGFTres.COM prior to running
Windows; this is true for both Windows/286 and Windows/386.
BGFT may then be executed as a 'standard' application under
Windows. Windows will complain about a conflict with the
communications port; select BGFT.EXE in the dialogue box and
For Windows/386 it is important that the parameter
'windowmemsize' in the WIN.INI file is left at the default of
The primary advantage to using BGFT.EXE under Windows,
instead of a standard DOS communications package, is that
BGFT.EXE can be 'swapped' out of memory whereas the standard
DOS communications package would have to remain 'locked' in
memory, using up valuable address space. This may be of
importance in some applications such as Windows 2.X with
expanded memory.
If you use both DOS and Windows on an AT compatible computer
then BGFT may be your best bet.
4.16 Problem Solving
Some programs, usually games, are not compatible with BGFT.
In most cases, the conflict will be evident as retries during
download. The retries are caused by the application disabling
interrupts and, therefore, causing characters to be lost. The
best thing to do is to experiment; in some cases, reducing
the baud rate may help.
If BGFT fails to run properly on your system its probable
cause can either be due to software or hardware conflicts.
The most common cause is incompatible TSRs.
The resident portion of BGFT is a TSR. Sometimes there may be
other TSRs or software that hog resources or interfere with
BGFT. In order to trouble shoot these problems you should
delete all TSRs other than BGFT's. If BGFT runs all right
then one of your other TSRs may be the problem. Try to
isolate the problem and arrive at a solution or work around
for your system.
The order of installation of TSRs can also be important. Try
reordering them. We recommend that you install BGFT as your
first TSR in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
BGFT, by its very nature, is carefully written so as to abide
by the correct rules of building TSRs. BGFT is very robust
If BGFT still fails to operate it may be your hardware. If the
floppy file buffer version fails, then try the hard drive
4.17 Operating Limitations
Users should be aware of the following limitations:
1) The maximum recommended baud rate is normally 9600. Higher
baud rates will tie up your CPU too much for effective
foreground use by other programs. If you have a '486 then you
may find that higher baud rates can be supported.
2) Floppy diskette file buffers must not have any bad
3) The floppy drive used for the file buffer is unavailable
for DOS while under the control of BGFTFDZM.COM.
4) The file buffer can have a total maximum of 31 files. The
files can be downloads or uploads.
5) When running graphics applications with a monochrome
graphics card, BGFTres.COM does not automatically disable its
status display as it does with color systems. This is easily
overcome by the user manually disabling the display from the
Utility menu before running the application. Even if this is
not done, there will usually only be a remnant of the BGFTres
display window appearing during monochrome graphics
6) The hard drive file buffer must be on Drive C: in
directory '\BGFT300'. Its maximum size is 32767 Kilobytes.
4.18 BGFT Model Summary
This Section explained how to install a file buffer and a
resident program needed for background file transfers. If you
used the INSTALL.EXE program most of the details are taken
care of for you. Having done a download with the example in
Section 3.2 you should be convinced that BGFT is easy to use
in spite of all the detailed features.
Your mental model of BGFT should be:
- A resident program, BGFTres.COM, does background file
transfers to and from a file buffer.
- The file buffer can exist on part of the hard disk C: or on
a whole floppy drive diskette. The file buffer is used to
avoid conflicts with DOS. Files are moved from the file
buffer to DOS directories for your use.
- The user interface program, BGFT.EXE or BGFTOPT.EXE, allows
the user to communicate with the BBS connected to the modem
or command the resident program to perform some function.
When the use of the interface is completed only the resident
part is left in memory to do transfers.
This is somewhat like the modern vision of a client-server
technology. The back end or the server is the resident doing
most of the heavy work in the background. The front end is
BGFT.EXE being used by you as the client to get files from
the server via the file buffer.
5.0 Operation of Main User Interface: BGFT.EXE
Section 3.2 described how to operate BGFT in a basic step by
step way. Experienced users will demand more, so this Section
gives the details that will be needed. The operation of BGFT
is presented from a 'functional' point of view. This means
that the menus are not described in order of appearance,
except where deemed necessary.
After a little bit of experimentation with the menu system,
BGFT will be found to be easy to use. 'Hot' keys are provided
if you wish to bypass the menu system; see Section 5.14 for
the Alt_Key summary.
5.1 Starting/Stopping BGFT
5.1.1 Starting BGFT
The main user interface, BGFT.EXE, is normally invoked with
no arguments specified on the command line, that is, by
In this case BGFT runs in its normal interactive mode.
However, it will accept the following command line 'switches'
which cause it to carry out specific operations:
BGFT /H The command line help switch, /H, or any
unsupported switch, will activate a help
BGFT /K BGFT terminates (Kills) background dialing and
then exits.
BGFT /M This forces BGFT to read the file buffer, and
if downloaded files are detected, to initiate
the sequence that moves the downloaded files
from the file buffer to a given download file
directory, and then proceed to terminal mode.
This is useful if you switched your computer
off after downloading files into the file
buffer but did not move them from the file
buffer to hard disk first. Some manual
operations will be required.
BGFT /N When BGFT is first run, it will initialize the
modem with the modem command string taken from
the configuration file, BGFT300.CNF. There may
be times when you are already connected to a
remote computer, by some other means, and want
to use BGFT for the first time but do not want
to send the modem string. To avoid sending the
string, use the command line switch, /N.
BGFT /R BGFT suspends the resident part and then
exits. This is useful, in the case that a
floppy drive has been used as the file buffer
to gain quick access to the floppy drive when
the resident part is active. If you have
elected to use a floppy drive for the file
buffer, you cannot use this floppy drive for
non-BGFT purposes while the resident part is
5.1.2 Exiting BGFT
You may exit BGFT by selecting the 'Exit' option from the
'File' menu or by means of the 'hot' key Alt_X.
If you set 'Confirm Exit' to on, as per Section, then
a window pops up to ask you if you are sure; typing 'Y' will
exit from BGFT, typing 'N', or any other key, will return you
to where you were before you requested exit.
If you chose to set 'Confirm Exit' to off, as per Section, then BGFT will cleanly and swiftly exit to DOS.
Exiting BGFT will not affect the resident part, particularly
if the resident part is transferring files; it will leave the
line open. Also, you can re-enter BGFT at any time; however,
if you enter BGFT while background transfer is in progress,
then you will be prevented from entering terminal mode until
the transfer is completed.
BGFT also provides an Alt_J key to enable you to run a DOS
shell. This means that when you have initiated a file
transfer you could run a shell so that you can run a DOS
application while the file transfer continues in the
background. However, this is not the recommended way because
BGFT.EXE uses a substantial amount of memory. The recommended
way is to exit BGFT is with Alt_X. This enables you to
maximize the amount of memory available for your DOS
applications. BGFT was carefully designed to allow quick in
and out access. It remembers your configuration so that you
would re-enter into the same state that you were in when you
When you are running the unregistered package, you will
always see a screen that provides you with registration
information. Press any key to clear this screen and so
complete the exit operation.
Sometimes, when you exit applications such as BGFT.EXE, you
may experience a disturbance of the file transfer that is in
progress. You may see a '**3' in the BGFT status window. This
indicates that the application program may have suspended all
interrupts. This is only a soft error and the transmission
should recover. The problem is a limitation of Personal
Computers and not BGFT.
5.2 The Menu System
If your system has a mouse, see Section and
for configuring it, BGFT will automatically detect it and
enable it to be used to select items in the pull down menus.
In the following description, appropriate mouse movement may
be used instead of using the key board. In particular,
pressing the left mouse button corresponds to 'ENTER' and
simultaneous pressing of the left and right buttons
corresponds to 'ESC'.
The main menu system for BGFT is activated from terminal mode
by typing 'Alt_M', or clicking the left mouse button on the
top line of the screen. The menu is of the pull down type.
Pull down menu items can be activated by either typing the
first letter of the option/sub-menu name, or by using the
left and right arrow keys to select it, followed by pressing
'ENTER', or by dragging or clicking the left button of the
mouse. Similarly, items on the pull down menus can be
activated by pressing the key corresponding to the
highlighted letter, or by using the arrow keys followed by
'ENTER', or by using the mouse.
For example, to view the current status of BGFT, press Alt_V
to pull down the 'View' menu. Then use the down arrow key to
highlight the 'BGFT Status' option; pressing 'ENTER' will
activate the status display. An alternative to using the
arrow key would be have been to press the highlighted letter
of the menu option, in this case 'b'.
If you have a mouse installed, the above could have been
achieved by pressing the left button of the mouse with the
mouse cursor on the top line of the screen. Keeping the left
button pressed, drag the mouse cursor to the 'View' option,
the view menu will pull down. Then drag the mouse so as to
highlight the 'BGFT Status' option and release the mouse
button. The status window will appear.
If you are using a color monitor, pull down menu items that
are currently in-active are displayed in grey without a
highlighted letter. If using a monochrome monitor, in-active
menu items can be identified as ones that do not have a
highlighted letter. If you attempt to use an in-active menu
item then you will simply return to your previous state
without further action.
Pull down menu items that show '...' after the description,
lead to dialog boxes where further user interaction is
required, for example, the 'Prepare Files For Upload...',
option from the 'Files' menu.
Some menu options have a '>' character at the right hand
side. This indicated that there is a side pull down menu that
will appear if this option is selected, for example, the
'Colors' option from the 'Setup' menu.
Some menu items simply toggle features 'On/Off'. If BGFT is
in the 'toggled' state then the menu option will show a check
mark on the left hand side.
Pressing 'ESC' from any point in the main menu system will
return you to terminal mode. Typically, the 'ESC' key exits a
BGFT menu or window without any action being taken and
returns you to your previous state.
The main menu entries are briefly described as follows:
5.2.1 File
Selection of this item using Alt_F, or the mouse, pulls down
a menu list with the following operations:
Save Downloaded Files: Moves download files from the file
buffer to a DOS file.
Prepare Files For Upload: Copies DOS files into the file
buffer ready for uploading.
Echo Screen To A File (ON): Sends all the text that appears
on the terminal mode screen to a DOS file for later
Terminal Mode: Returns operation to terminal mode.
DOS Shell: This will run a DOS shell. This allows you to
suspend execution of BGFT.EXE and run other applications
from the DOS prompt.
When in the DOS shell, the DOS prompt will show the
message: "Type 'EXIT' to return to BGFT".
When in the shell, BGFT is still in memory. WARNING: if
the DOS PRINT command is used to print a file but the
PRINT driver was not loaded into memory before BGFT was
run then the driver will 'lock' BGFT into memory. When
BGFT is exited, about 180K of space will unavailable to
do foreground tasks. TSRs like PRINT, which are to be
run in the shell, should be loaded before running BGFT.
Exit: This exits BGFT. Typing 'Alt_X' at any location in BGFT
has the same effect.
5.2.2 View
Selection of this item using Alt_V, or the mouse, pulls down
a menu list with the following operations:
File Buffer: Alt_L. Lists the files in the file buffer.
BGFT Status: Alt_N. Shows the current status of BGFT, in
particular, it shows the status of the files being
Scroll Back Buffer: Alt_B. Allows viewing of text that has
scrolled off the terminal mode screen.
Clipboard: The prime purpose of the clip board is to be able
to capture text from the terminal mode screen, edit it,
and then send the modified text back to the remote
computer. A simple example would be to capture to the
clipboard a list file names from the remote computer and
then to use the clipboard to pick out a subset of the
files you wish to download. The clipboard allows you to
send this modified list back to the remote computer.
This would normally be in response to the remote
computers request for a list of file names. This can
save a lot of typing and avoids mis-spelling the file
5.2.3 Dial
Selection of this item using Alt_D, or the mouse, pulls down
a menu list with the following operations:
Default Dialing Directory: Provides access to the default
dialing directory. The dialing directory allows you to
organize your telephone numbers and dial them quickly.
The name of the default dialing directory is specified
as described in Section 5.5.4.
Other Directories: Provides access to any BGFT format dialing
directory on your computer.
Kill Dialing: Terminates background dialing.
Hang-up The Phone: Hangs up the line and breaks the
5.2.4 Transfer
Selection of this item using Alt_T, or the mouse, pulls down
a menu list with the following operations:
Download Files: Allows selection of protocols for downloading
Upload Files: Allows selection of protocols for uploading
Kill Transfer: Enables file transfer to be aborted (Killed).
Acknowledge Errors: Allows resetting of the resident part in
the event of a file transfer hard error.
5.2.5 Setup
Selection of this item using Alt_S, or the mouse, pulls down a
menu list with the following operations:
Terminal Emulation: Allows selection of a given terminal
emulation type. Terminal emulations are normally set in
the dialing directory.
Modem: Change modem parameters.
Communications Port: Change communication port settings.
Preferences: Define user preferences.
ASCII Communications: Set ASCII communications parameters,
such as end of line translation.
Color: Alter the colors (if you have a color system) of the
various types of menus and windows used by BGFT.
5.2.6 Utility
Selection of this item using Alt_U, or the mouse, pulls down
a menu list with the following operations:
Turn Resident OFF: De-activates the resident part.
Initialize File Buffer: Prepares the file buffer ready for
Modem Initialization: Sends the initialization string to the
Status BGFT Window: Toggles the 'BGFT' window on/off.
Relocate BGFT Window: Allows relocating the 'BGFT' to
anywhere along the top line of the screen.
Clear Screen Terminal Mode: Clears the terminal mode screen.
5.2.7 Information
Selection of this item using Alt_I, or the mouse, pulls down
a menu list with the following operations:
Overview: Provides a brief overview of the operation of BGFT.
Errors: Describes the possible error codes.
About: Provides copyright information for BGFT.
5.3 Dialog Boxes
All the dialog boxes use the concept of an 'active area'. The
active area defines the current area of focus. For example,
the 'Save As' dialog box has six areas; namely, the file
name, file list, drive/directory list, open button, cancel
button and the help button. You can move from one area to
another using the tab or shift_tab keys. The active area is
always identifiable because it is the area with the cursor
displayed. You can also move to a different area by clicking
the left button of the mouse with the mouse cursor in the
desired area, for example, anywhere in a file list or within
the borders of a given set of radio buttons. You can also
change areas using the Alt keys together with the indicated
highlighted letter. However, as for the mouse method, some of
these areas lead to immediate action, for example, clicking
on the <Help> button.
In addition to the active area concept, BGFT dialog boxes may
have one or more of the following features:
5.3.1 Action Buttons
BGFT's dialog boxes have action buttons, for example, <Move>.
In most cases the result of the action is adequately
described by the description given between the <>. The
actions can be initiated in one of the following three ways:
1) By pressing an Alt key corresponding to the highlighted
letter, for example, for the above example this would be
2) Use the tab (shift tab) to move forward (backward) from
one button to another. When the cursor is located at the
desired button, press the <ENTER> key to activate the button.
3) Click the left button of the mouse on, or between, the <>
On BGFT's dialog boxes, three of the buttons always have the
same meaning; these are:
a) <Ok> : the Ok button accepts the information selected on
the dialog box and then closes the box. Choices made remain
in memory and, in many cases, can be saved to the
configuration file.
b) <Cancel> : The Cancel button exits the dialog box without
any changes to the parameters listed in the box.
c) <Help> : The Help button provides context sensitive help
and provides descriptions of the parameters listed in the
5.3.2 File Lists
A file list is simply a list of file names showing the size
of the file, and, in some cases the type of file, that is,
whether the file is for uploading or was downloaded. The file
lists each have a vertical scroll bar to enable moving
through the file list by using a mouse.
If you are using the keyboard, you can move through the list
using the vertical arrow keys, PgUp and PgDn, Home and End
If you have a mouse you can move through the file list by
dragging the file cursor bar using the left mouse button.
Also, clicking the left mouse button on the up/down arrows of
the scroll bar will move up/down through the file list one
file at a time. Furthermore, clicking the left mouse button
on the vertical scroll bar will page the file list up/down
depending which side of the scroll bar tag you click. Also,
you can drag the scroll bar tag up and down if you wish to
move quickly through the list.
In the dialing directory there is a horizontal scroll bar and
this works in a similar way to the vertical scroll bar.
Files in the file list can be 'tagged' using the 'SPACE' bar,
or by double clicking the left mouse button on the desired
file name. A tagged file can be identified by the '*'
character. Some dialog boxes have a <Tag All> button that
toggles the tag status of all the files in the list.
5.3.3 Drive/Directory Lists
You can move around a drive/directory list in much the same
way as you would a file list.
To change to the previous directory simply locate the
highlighted cursor bar on the '..' symbol and then press
'ENTER'. If using a mouse double click the left mouse button
on the '..' symbol.
To change to another directory locate the highlighted cursor
bar on the desired directory name and then press 'ENTER'. If
using a mouse double click the left mouse button on the
desired directory name.
To change to another drive, locate the highlighted cursor bar
on the desired drive letter and then press 'ENTER'. If using
a mouse double click the left mouse button on the desired
drive letter.
5.3.4 Data Input Fields
Data input fields are of two distinct types, character input
or numeric input. For both types you can edit the characters
or numbers types using the left and right arrow keys,
Home goes to the beginning of the field.
End goes to the end of the field.
BACKSPACE deletes the previous character.
DEL deletes the character under the cursor.
INS toggles insert mode.
Alt_B blanks the input field.
If invalid characters are typed BGFT beeps as a warning.
Where accurate input is required, BGFT checks to make sure
that valid input has been typed. A message window appears to
inform of invalid input. For example, if BGFT is expecting
the name of a drive/directory BGFT will check to see that
drive/directory exists; if not, a warning message appears.
You must type a valid entry before you can move to the next
5.3.5 On/Off Flags
On/Off flags are distinguishable by the [ ] characters. If
the flag is 'true' then you will see [X]; otherwise you will
see [ ]. To set a flag first of all, move the active position
to the desired flag. Then use the 'SPACE' bar to toggle the
flag. If using a mouse simply click the left button of the
mouse on the [ ].
5.3.6 Radio Buttons
Radio buttons are distinguishable by the ( ) characters.
Radio buttons are used where a parameter has a number of
distinct values, such as the baud rate. If using the keyboard
move the active point to the desired radio button sequence.
Then use the left/right arrow keys to move to the desired
value. If using a mouse simply click the left button of the
mouse on the desired ( ).
5.4 The Help System
BGFT provides the following two types of context sensitive
5.4.1 Message Line
A message line at the bottom of the screen is provided for
practically all functions of BGFT to indicate current status
of the given function or to give brief guidance on the
available options. For example, a reminder that pressing
'ESC' will return you to terminal mode.
5.4.2 Alt_Z Help Key
A help key for more detailed help information. BGFT uses
Alt_Z as the help key. The help key is active practically
anytime keyboard input is required. Pressing the help key in
terminal mode gives a list of 'hot' keys used to speed up
certain BGFT operations from terminal mode.
5.5 Configuring BGFT
BGFT allows you to change its appearance to suit your needs
and preferences. In particular, the 'Setup' pull down menu is
provided to allow you to customize BGFT. The 'Setup' menu can
be accessed via the main menu or directly from terminal mode
using Alt_S; the pull down menu has the following options:
5.5.1 Terminal Emulation
This option pops up a side menu which is a list of the
terminal emulations that can be selected to suit the computer
system that you are connected to. The available emulations
are: NONE, ANSI, VT100, and VT52. BGFT has a limited set of
basic terminal emulations because these are normally
sufficient for background file transfer purposes.
The VT100 keypad is mapped to the PC function keys as
PF1 > F1 PF2 > F2 PF3 > Shift_F1 PF4 > Shift_F2
7 > F3 8 > F4 9 > Shift_F3 - > Shift_F4
4 > F5 5 > F6 6 > Shift_F5 , > Shift_F6
1 > F7 2 > F8 3 > Shift_F7 Enter>Shift_F8
0 > F9 0 > F10 . > Shift_F9 Enter>Shift_F10
'Shift_F10' indicates that the Shift key and then the F10 key
should be held down together momentarily.
5.5.2 Modem Parameters
On selecting the modem parameter option, 'Modem', a dialog
box pops up allowing you to select various modem setup
The following are the parameters that can be modified: Modem Initialization String
This entry should be used to set the initialization string to
be sent to your modem on starting BGFT. BGFT was designed to
work with Hayes compatible modems, so you should check your
modem documentation to decide appropriate setup commands.
BGFT does not automatically send the modem attention string
'AT', so you should include that at the start of the command.
If you start BGFT without a configuration file, then it uses
ATE1 S7=255 S0=0 V1
as the default string. The S7 modem register is used by the
modem to wait the indicated number of seconds for a
connection. However, BGFT configures its own wait time (see and below) which will override it. Change
this with care to suit your needs and your modem. Dialing Command
The following commands instruct the modem to auto-dial:
ATDT instructs the modem to use Tone dialing,
ATDP instructs the modem to use rotary-Pulse dialing.
BGFT defaults to tone dialing if you are not using a config-
uration file. You must use one of these commands if auto-
dialing is to work.
58 Hang Up Command
BGFT uses two methods to hang up the line. The quickest, and
so probably the most desirable, is by inhibiting 'DTR'.
However, you will have to check your modem documentation to
make sure that this feature is supported by your particular
modem model. On earlier, and consequently slower modems, this
would be done by means of the appropriate 'dip' switch
settings. On later modems, for example, the Hayes Smartmodem
2400, this can be done with software through a suitable modem
The second method, which is somewhat slower than the DTR
method, is to send the modem hang-up string, for example:
See your modem documentation for further information on this
command. BGFT handles the appropriate time delays so that you
should not include any time delay instructions. BGFT uses the
DTR method first and, if unsuccessful, then sends the modem
hang-up string. Time Between Dialing
This command sets the number of seconds BGFT will wait for a
carrier before it gives up, assuming that the line was not
busy. The 'Time Between Dialing' allows you to set the
interval between dialing cycles from 1 to 999 seconds. If you
run BGFT without a configuration file it defaults to 55
seconds. International connect times can take over a minute;
local calls typically take 30 seconds or less. Test for 'BUSY'
BGFT is able to use modem information, if available, as to
whether the line is busy when dialed. If the line is busy,
BGFT will drop the line without waiting for the connection
and background re-dialing will recommence. The default is 'Y'
to enable this feature. Direct Connection
If you are using a null modem connection to communicate with
another computer, rather than a modem, then you should enter
'Y'. In that case, the above modem commands are ignored. If
you are using a modem then you should select 'N'.
If you run BGFT without a configuration file then it will
default to 'N'; it assumes that you are using a modem.
5.5.3 Communication Port Settings
Selecting the communication port option, 'Comm port', pops up
a dialog box that allows you to make the following communica-
tion port selections: Communication Port Number
BGFT is designed to work with one of the communication ports
1 (default), 2, 3, or 4; you must have the appropriate
hardware installed. You cannot set up background
communications on more than one port at a time.
It is recommended that your modem be connected to
communication port 2 and, if you have a mouse, that it be
connected to port 1. Port 2 has a higher priority when
dealing with hardware interrupts; having your modem there
will aid in communications.
There are general hardware limitations on the PC for users
who wish to use a combination of odd or even serial
communication port pairs. This is due to the physical
construction and the way hardware interrupts were designed to
be handled on the PC. For example, some users may want to
have COM 1 for the mouse and COM 3 for the modem since some
internal modems use COM 3. This is not recommended (the mouse
on COM 1 and modem on COM 4 is all right). Under BGFT, there
is a 'work around' solution provided. The mouse driver should
be loaded in before BGFTres is activated and the resident
part should be loaded with the '/C' command line option. For
BGFTres /C
This will inform the resident part about the existence of the
mouse on the other paired port and allow for a proper
'chaining' of interrupts between the modem and the mouse.
This option should not be used if they are on an odd and even
COM port as recommended.
If you attempt to run BGFT without a configuration file then
it will check to see whether or not a communication port has
been specified earlier via the BGFTres command line. If not,
it will prompt you to specify an appropriate communication
port number. Baud Rate
BGFT allows you to specify the following baud rates:
300, 1200 (default), 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400 and 57600
If you run BGFT without a configuration file it prompts you
to specify a value.
When using the automatic dialer, the baud rate must be
specified. This is done by setting the baud rate in the
dialing directory; this will override any value set
previously. Data Bits
Serial communications make use of various data formats,
usually of the following two forms:
8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and No parity (8 1 N) or,
7 data bits, 1 stop bit, and Even parity (7 1 E).
Most BBSs use (8 1 N) but some mainframe computer networks
may use (7 1 E). With BGFT you may chose several formats;
valid entries for data bits are: 7 or 8 (default). Stop Bits
Valid entries for stop bits are: 1 (default) or 2. Parity
Valid entries for parity are: N for No (default), E for Even,
O for Odd, M for Mark, or S for Space.
5.5.4 Preferences
The user Preferences menu option pops up a dialog box to
allow selection of user preferences to suit your needs. The
following are the available options: Confirm Exit
As BGFT is a background utility, it is highly desirable to be
able to get into and out of it as quickly as possible. For
example, you might want to initiate the upload of a
collection of unrelated files using Zmodem and then quit out
to DOS to run your favorite spread sheet package. To this
end, BGFT has a 'hot' key Alt_X, that allows you to exit BGFT
from any location. When using the program for the first time
it can be a little disconcerting to discover just how easy it
is to exit BGFT. Consequently, this user option allows you to
request a confirmation prompt before exiting.
After frequent use of BGFT you will almost certainly want to
turn confirmation off. If you run BGFT without a
configuration file it defaults to 'Y', for confirmation.
61 Background Sound ON/OFF
This option allows you turn off all sound effects related to
the operation of the BGFT resident part, for example, the
sound that you hear when BGFT has established a connection or
has completed a file transfer. This can be useful if you are
running BGFT late at night and you do not wish to disturb
others. This option does not affect BGFT's foreground sound;
the foreground sound can be controlled as described in below.
Turning sound off for BGFT will not turn sound off for any
other application program that you might be running while
BGFT is performing its background activities. If you run BGFT
without a configuration file then it defaults to background
sound 'on'. Foreground Sound ON/OFF
This option allows you turn off all sound effects related to
the foreground operation of BGFT, for example, the sound that
you hear when you type an invalid entry in a dialog box. This
can be useful if you are running BGFT late at night and you
do not wish to disturb others or if you simply do not like
BGFT beeping at you.
If you run BGFT without a configuration file then it defaults
to foreground sound 'on'. Tab Width
When using terminal emulation you may need to set the tab
width as required. If you run BGFT without a configuration
file, the default tab width is 8. Number of Lines to Scroll Back
This option allows specification of the number of lines used
for the scroll back buffer. The smaller this number the less
memory BGFT will use. Valid entries range from 25 to 999; the
default is 200. Show When the Scroll Buffer is Full
The scroll back buffer is a circular buffer so that when the
buffer is full it starts to overwrite the characters that
were put into the buffer first. When this happens, the
overwritten contents are lost. If the "Show Scroll Buffer
Full" flag is set to on, then BGFT prompts each time the
buffer gets full and so provides you with the option of
saving the contents of the buffer to a file before any of the
contents get overwritten. The default is not to prompt when
the buffer is full.
62 Save the Scroll Back Buffer on Exit
This option instructs BGFT to save the contents of the scroll
back buffer to a file, BGFT300.SBB, on exit and to
automatically restore the contents of the buffer the next
time BGFT is run; this is the default.
If the flag is set to off, the scroll back buffer contents
are not saved and the buffer is 'emptied' each time BGFT is
run. Default Dialing Directory
When the 'Default Directory' option is selected from the
'Dial' menu, BGFT looks for a dialing directory with the name
specified by the 'Default Dialing Directory' field. This
field must be a valid file name and that file must have been
previously created using the BGFT dialing directory system.
The default is 'BGFT.DLG'. Mouse Speed
This field allows setting of the desired mouse speed; valid
values lie in the range 1 to 100. The default value is 50; a
value of 100 corresponds to the maximum speed setting. Mouse Double Click Time
This field allows setting the maximum time between mouse
button clicks for mouse double click operations. The default
values is 5 and the units of measure are tenths of a second. Enable Zmodem Auto-Download
When downloading with Zmodem this feature allows downloading
to start automatically. This means that as soon as the remote
computer has been instructed to download using Zmodem, then
the download will start without any further user interaction;
this is the default setting. If this feature is not set then,
after having instructed the remote computer to download using
Zmodem, it is necessary to select Zmodem download from the
BGFT 'Transfer' menu. Auto Save File Directory
When BGFT downloads a file it first of all downloads the file
into the file buffer. The files that are transferred into the
file buffer are in a format that cannot be accessed by DOS
and so have to be converted to a DOS readable file and moved
to another drive/directory before they can be used.
When the file transfer is complete, and you return to BGFT
from whatever you were doing while transfer took place, BGFT
will semi-automatically transfer the files that had been
downloaded into the file buffer to the drive/directory
specified by 'Auto Save File Directory' You are given the
option to change the drive/directory if required.
If you do not wish to have this process done semi-
automatically then simply enter 'MANUAL' instead of a path
specification. You may manually move files from the file
buffer to another drive/directory using the 'File' menu.
If you run BGFT without a configuration file it will default
to the current drive/directory because it has no way of
knowing which directory you want the files to be moved to.
Each time you run BGFT it checks with the resident part to
see if any files have been downloaded, that is, assuming that
you had specified a 'Auto File Save Directory' name. It does
this, rather than reading the file buffer directly, to save
time and to enable you to get into the program quickly in the
case that no files have been downloaded; for example, after
an upload. However, if you switch your machine off, or re-
boot it after a download, then BGFT will not initiate an
auto-move of files until after your next download. In that
case, you may wish to use the manual method from the 'File'
menu to move your downloaded files or use the '/M' command
line option.
5.5.5 ASCII Download Parameters
The following parameters are provided to enable adjustment of
your setup so as to effectively perform ASCII file transfers
to, or from, a wide variety of remote computer systems. Character Pacing
Some remote computer systems have limit on the speed at which
they can receive characters. This is typical for older
computer systems that expect characters to be sent no faster
than the speed of a fast typist. For such a case, a small
time delay can be inserted between each character. These time
delays are measured in 1/20 th second intervals; the default
is zero. This feature applies to ASCII upload only.
line pacing. Line Pacing
Some remote computers require a brief time delay (line
pacing), after the transmission of each line of text. If some
of the characters are getting lost in the transmission, try
increasing the line pacing value. The default value is 5.
This feature applies to ASCII upload only.
64 Pace Character
The pace character is a distinct character that is used to
denote the end of a line of text. The default is a 'blank'. Expand Blank Lines
If this flag is set, then blank lines will show as blank
lines; otherwise downloaded text will appear without any
separating blank lines. The default is to expand blank lines. Expand Tabs
This field determines how tabs are to be treated; if set,
tabs will be expanded to the value of tabs set as described
in Section If this option is not set then a
transmitted tab has no effect. The default is to expand tabs. Add Line Feed to Carriage Return
Some remote computers do not send line feeds after a carriage
return. Evidence of this would be the text overwriting itself
on the same line on the screen. If this option is set then a
line feed is added to each carriage return sent by the remote
computer; the default is not to add the line feed.
This feature is not strictly related to ASCII upload/download
but is generally available. Local Echo
When communicating with some remote computers characters
typed on the keyboard do not show up on the screen. When this
option is set, it enables key strokes to be 'echoed' to the
screen; the default is no echo.
This feature is not strictly related to ASCII upload/download
but is generally available. End of Line Translation for ASCII Transfers
The following two situations are catered for:
Translation for Carriage Return
The available options are:
- None.
- Strip (remove carriage returns).
- Add Line Feeds.
Translation for Line Feed
The available options are:
- None.
- Strip (remove line feeds).
- Add Carriage Returns.
The defaults have been set to give correct translation when
communicating with PC Board BBS's.
5.5.6 Colors
If you have a monochrome system then the screen appearance
can be changed only to toggle a white or black background.
WARNING: If you configure BGFT to be monochrome but then
install a color system, you will have to delete the
configuration file, BGFT300.CNF, and re-configure to get
The following Section is only applicable if you have a CGA,
EGA or VGA color system. If you have a monochrome monitor,
with a color type video card, then the options in this
Section will have limited affect on the display.
The 'color' option allows you to change the colors of the
various BGFT screens. The method of changing color is first
to select the screen feature that you wish to modify using
the side pull down menu. At this point a window pops up
showing the current colors for the given screen feature.
Simply follow the instructions listed in the pop up window to
change the colors. For example, if you wish to change the
colors of the terminal mode screen then:
1) Select the terminal mode option, 'Terminal Mode', from the
side pull down menu.
2) Type 'f' or 'F' to step through the available foreground
3) Type 'b' or 'B' to step through the available background
(If you use a mouse simply click on the lines with the 'f' or
'b' to step through the available colors.)
WYSIWYG stands for 'What You See Is What You Get' so that the
color changes that you make by following 1) to 3) above are
those that you will actually see when you return to the
terminal mode screen. Once you are happy with your color
scheme, press 'ENTER' to accept the colors and return to
terminal mode. If, on the other hand, you decide that you
would rather keep the old color scheme, simply press 'ESC'
instead of 'ENTER'.
5.6 Terminal Mode
When you first run BGFT after turning on your computer you
arrive in terminal mode after you have negotiated the opening
screens. At this stage you will be either connected to your
modem or you will be in direct contact with another computer
via a null modem cable (a direct connection). These two cases
are described separately below:
5.6.1 Using a Modem
If you are using a modem, assuming you have set your modem
configuration switches appropriately and/or have set the
modem initialization string to suit (including the 'ATE1'
command), then characters typed at the keyboard will be
echoed on the screen. For example, typing 'AT' followed by
pressing 'ENTER' will produce the familiar 'OK' response from
the modem. In fact, you can type any valid modem command
string and the modem will respond accordingly. For example,
you can manually type the appropriate commands to dial a
given telephone number; normally you would not do that
because it is so much more convenient to use the dialing
directory and so get the benefits of background dialing.
Occasional users are not recommended to send manual commands
to the modem via terminal mode because BGFT makes certain
assumptions about how the modem is set up. If you somehow the
modem gets into a weird state, inadvertently via manual
terminal mode commands, then the response of BGFT may become
unpredictable. Just in case, BGFT allows re-initialization of
the modem; this is done via the 'Modem Initialize' option
from the 'Utility' menu. To do this, BGFT first sends the
'ATZ' command which, for earlier modems, such as the Hayes
Smartmodem 300, resets the modem to its power up condition,
initializes its registers, reads the configuration switch
settings and does the power up test. For later modems, such
as the Hayes Smartmodem 2400, the 'ATZ' command resets the
user configuration.
5.6.2 Direct Connection
Any characters typed in terminal mode are transmitted directly
to the other computer and what is seen on the screen depends
upon how the other computer is set up.
5.7 Background Dialing
An important feature of BGFT is that it can do dialing in the
background. That means once dialing is initiated and BGFT is
exited, dialing will continue even though the computer may be
used for other activities. When dialing is complete and a
connection is made, an audible beeping sound will be heard,
that is, assuming that the default option of 'BackGround
sound' is set to on. If you wish to terminate dialing before
a connection has been made, then this can be done by using
the Alt_K 'hot' key if you are running BGFT, or by typing
'BGFT /K' from the DOS prompt assuming that you left BGFT
To assist with the process of dialing, BGFT has a dialing
directory. The dialing directory can be accessed from termi-
nal mode via the main menu (Alt_D) or directly via the Alt_P
'hot' key. You can select a dialing entry as described in 1)
below. Pressing 'ENTER', or double clicking the left mouse
button, will dial the number of the selected entry (if
connected to a modem).
The following operations are possible from the dialing
directory dialog box:
5.7.1 Selecting a Dialing Entry
- Use the up and down arrow keys to move from one entry to
- Use the 'PgUp' and 'PgDn' keys, on the key pad, to move one
page up or down one page at a time.
- Use the 'Home' key, on the key pad, to move to the first
entry in the directory.
- Use the 'End' key, on the key pad, to move to the last
entry in the directory.
- Drag the highlight cursor using the left mouse button.
- Use the mouse on the vertical scroll bar.
- By typing the first digit of the dialing entry number (not
to be confused with the actual telephone number), a window
pops up showing the digit typed. By completing the number and
pressing 'ENTER', the entry with the given number is
selected. On entering a number out of range, a message to
this effect will be displayed.
- Use of the <Find> button will display a pop up window that
allows specification of a character string to be search for
(in the forward direction); the search is case sensitive. The
dialing entry which contains the first occurrence of the
given string will be selected; wild cards are not supported.
Use the right arrow key to display additional information
contained in the dialing directory. The password for the
computer to be logged on to can be seen in this way. Use the
left arrow key to return to the original display.
If you are employing a mouse, the horizontal scroll bar can
be used instead of the left/right arrow keys.
Pressing 'ESC' gets you back to terminal mode.
5.7.2 Editing Dialing Entries
The selected (highlighted) dialing entry can be edited by
using the <Edit> button. A dialog box, identical to that used
when creating new entries, allows editing of all the fields
of the highlighted dialing entry. On using the <OK> button,
you will be prompted to determine if you wish to make your
changes permanent by writing the modified dialing directory
to disk.
5.7.3 Adding Entries
A dialing entry can be added by using the <Add> button. The
new dialing entry is inserted immediately after the selected
(highlighted) dialing directory entry. On initiating the
'Add' option, a dialog box pops up requesting the following
Name: Use the 'name' field to make it easy to identify the
telephone number. Keywords may be used to facilitate the
search feature.
Number: The telephone number may include the characters: '(',
')' and '-' to assist with readability. The characters,
'W' and 'R', are also allowed by some modem
manufacturers and are permissible.
Password: This is optional since it is not used except for
your own information. It should be the password that you
will have to use when you log on to the remote computer
Baud: BGFT allows 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400
and 57600 baud rates.
Terminal: This allows you to store, in the dialing directory,
the type of terminal emulation you require. This means
that when you dial a particular number, BGFT will
automatically set the terminal emulation to the one
specified by this field. The valid choices are: NONE,
ANSI, VT100, and VT52.
Data bits: Choose '7' or '8' (default).
Stop bits: Choose '1' (default) or '2'.
Parity: Choose 'N' for None (default), 'E' for Even, 'O' for
Odd, 'M' for Mark, or 'S' for Space.
On using the <OK> button, you will be prompted to see if you
wish to make your changes permanent by writing the modified
dialing directory to disk.
5.7.4 Removing Entries
The dialing entry under the highlighted cursor bar can be
deleted by using the <Delete> button. On using the <OK>
button, you will be prompted to see if you wish to make your
changes permanent by writing the modified dialing directory
to disk. If you do not save your changes to disk they will
remain in memory only until you leave the dialing.
5.7.5 Dialing an Entry
Select the desired dialing directory entry as described in 1)
above. To dial the highlighted entry press 'ENTER', or double
click the highlighted entry using the left mouse button, or
use the <Dial> button.
On initiating dialing an information window pops up to allow
you to confirm that you have dialed the desired number.
Assuming that the modem is appropriately set up, then you
will hear it start to dial. At this time one of the following
may be done:
- Wait until the resident part beeps to inform that a
connection has been made. You may also hear the familiar
sound that the modem makes, if the modem speaker is enabled,
also telling you that a connection has been made. The
information window automatically clears and terminal mode is
entered. You would normally press 'ENTER' until the remote
computer issues the log-on identification prompt. Some
systems respond without any user action.
- Press any key (except 'ESC') to clear the information
window; this takes you to the terminal mode screen. Terminal
mode will be disabled but it will automatically be enabled
once the connection has been made.
The advantage of going straight to terminal mode, as de-
scribed above, is that you can now make use of some of BGFT's
features (via the Alt_Keys or menus) while dialing continues
in background. For example, you could select the 'Files' menu
and prepare some files for uploading and so not waste time
waiting for the connection to be made.
- Type 'Alt_X' and leave BGFT and then run some other
application program while dialing continues in background.
This background ability is what makes BGFT significant. It is
very convenient to have a background dialing capability if
you are trying to connect to a busy BBS.
Most application programs these days allow you to temporarily
return to DOS without quitting the application. This is
called "Shelling to DOS". When you hear the resident part
beep, to tell you that the connection has been made, you can,
if your system has sufficient spare memory, temporarily leave
your application and then re-run BGFT from the DOS prompt.
For example, you can run a DOS shell from your application
program and then use BGFT to log-on to a remote computer and
initiate file transfers, then leave BGFT and 'EXIT' back to
your applications program, carrying on from where you left
off. BGFTres will take care of your file transfers in
- Type 'Alt_J' and suspend BGFT.EXE to run other applications
from the DOS prompt. You can EXIT back to BGFT when the
connection is made.; this is not the preferred mode. It is
better to leave BGFT using Alt_X because in this way you will
free up the maximum amount of memory for other applications.
- Pressing 'ESC' will cause dialing to be terminated. This is
useful if you have inadvertently dialed the wrong number.
5.7.6 Kill Background Dialing
Termination of background dialing can be done in three ways:
1) Background dialing may be terminated at any time while
running BGFT by using the Alt_K 'hot' key.
2) It may also be terminated by selecting the 'Kill Dialing'
option from the 'Dial' pull down menu.
3) If you have exited BGFT and you wish to terminated back-
ground dialing, simply run BGFT with the '/K' command line
This will instruct the resident part to terminate dialing and
automatically exit BGFT.
5.7.7 Resident's Status Window
The resident part displays specific dialing information in
the upper right hand corner (default location of the BGFT
window), while it performs the task of background dialing.
The following is a explanation of the displayed codes:
WAIT: dialing is in progress,
PAUS: dialing has timed out, the resident part will wait
'time between calls' seconds and then redial,
DIAL: dialing is being re-initiated,
STOP: dialing was terminated using one of the following,
'ESC' from the dialing information window, the Alt_K
'hot' key, or the /K command line option.
5.8 Background File Transfer
BGFT supports uploads and downloads for:
Zmodem: This is the most popular batch file transfer protocol
and, due to its high reliability, is the protocol of
choice for BGFT.
Ymodem-Batch: This is also known as DSZ-Ymodem. This protocol
allows for multiple file transfers and its
implementation in BGFT is excellent.
Xmodem-CRC: This is the classic CRC version of the Xmodem
protocol which sends 128 byte packets. No checksum is
done by BGFT as it is much less reliable than CRC
checking, so it was not included. Xmodem-CRC is
sometimes known as just Xmodem. BGFT will report packets
sent in terms of 1K sizes.
Xmodem-1K: This is the one Kilobyte (1024 byte) packet
version of Xmodem-CRC. Xmodem-1K is sometimes referred
to as Ymodem.
Since the resident part of BGFT uses a file buffer, it is
occasionally necessary to do some file buffer 'housekeeping'.
This means that before uploading, the DOS files to be
uploaded must be moved into the file buffer and, after
downloading, the files must be moved from the file buffer to
DOS files.
5.8.1 The File Buffer
BGFT uses the concept of a file buffer to avoid having to
access DOS during file transfer When downloading, the data
received is copied into the file buffer. After downloading is
completed, the files in the file buffer may be copied into
regular DOS files, on your drive/directory of choice, through
the use of the 'Save Downloaded Files' option from the 'File'
pull down menu. For uploading, the files must first be copied
into the file buffer, with the 'Prepare Files For Upload'
command, before the upload is initiated.
The file buffer may either be on the C: hard drive
(preferred), or on either floppy drive A: or B:. When using a
floppy drive as the file buffer, that drive becomes
unavailable for use by other programs. The floppy drive can
be made temporarily available for other programs as described
in Section 5.9.1.
5.8.2 Background File Downloading
There are four background file transfer protocols available
for downloading: Zmodem, Ymodem-Batch, Xmodem-CRC and Xmodem-
Section 3.2 described the basic operations to enable your
computer to accept downloads with BGFT. When the host
computer is ready to download files to your computer, choose
the corresponding protocol set up on the host by pressing the
'PgDn' key and then select the same protocol from the pull
down menu list. When using Zmodem with the auto-download
feature enabled it is not necessary to select the protocol
using 'PgDn'.
If you are using a floppy drive as the file buffer, be sure
that your floppy drive door is shut and the drive contains a
BGFT initialized diskette when you want to do file transfers.
The Zmodem and Ymodem-Batch protocols are similar; they are
both multiple (batch) file transfer protocols. Zmodem can be
viewed as being more sophisticated than Ymodem-Batch. For
example, Zmodem has a powerful feature that allows a file
transfer to be resumed after some interruption. For example,
imagine you are transferring a large file, say 1 megabyte,
and a power interruption occurs aborting the transfer just
before the transfer is complete.
For Ymodem-Batch, you would have to go back to the beginning
and transfer the file all over again. For Zmodem you simply
re-connect and start the transfer again. However, this time
the file transfer will start from where you left off, that
is, it is smart enough to know that you have transferred most
of the file already. This makes Zmodem very suitable for
transferring large files over noisy telephone lines. Zmodem's
automatic download start feature is not part of the Ymodem-
Batch protocol.
Partial Zmodem files are identified by a 'a' in the listing
of the file buffer directory.
When using Zmodem or Ymodem-Batch, it is important to keep in
mind the size of the file buffer. If BGFT receives a file
that will overflow the file buffer, it halts the transfer and
shows an error on the status display.
If attempting to download with Zmodem (auto-download
disabled) or Ymodem-Batch a file that already exists in the
file buffer, the file will be saved with a modified name. The
modified name is formed by using punctuation to replace the
first character of the file name. Thus the name used is
recognizable and the original file is not overwritten. The
sequence of characters used to replace the first character of
the file name is: '$', '#', '&', '@', '!', '{', '}', '~'.
Only eight levels of renaming are available; however, this
should be more than enough in most cases.
If Xmodem-CRC or Xmodem-1K is selected, then BGFT will prompt
for the file name to be used; if BGFT's 'guess' at the file
name is all right, which it is if the file name was the last
'word' typed, just hit 'ENTER' to accept it. If the file name
was not the last 'word' typed, simply use the up arrow key to
show the previous 'words'. Continue until you find the
required file name. You may also edit the displayed 'word' if
desired; use Alt_Z to show the editing details.
5.8.3 Manually Moving Downloaded Files
To move downloaded files manually from the file buffer to a
DOS file, select the 'File' option from the main menu. On
selecting the 'Save Downloaded Files' file option from the
pull down menu, a dialog box appears that allows you to
easily select the drive and directory that you wish to move
the downloaded files to.
5.8.4 Automatically Moving Downloaded Files
The easiest way to move files from the file buffer is simply
to type Alt_Q from Terminal Mode. This is equivalent to
tagging all the downloaded files in the file buffer and
moving them to the default download directory.
5.8.5 ASCII File Downloading
The ASCII protocol is provided for the convenience of
transferring small text files. For example, you can prepare a
text message off-line and save it in a DOS file. Then, use
ASCII upload to insert that text directly into a message when
you are using a message editor on a BBS.
The ASCII protocol is a foreground protocol, that is, it is
only active when you are running BGFT.EXE. Furthermore, the
ASCII protocol does not have any form of error checking. So
if the telephone line is noisy, spurious characters may show
up in the transmitted text. If you need accurate transfer of
information, you should use one of the other protocols, as
they all have error checking capabilities.
5.8.6 Preparing Files For Uploading
There are four background file transfer protocols available
for uploading: Zmodem, Ymodem-Batch, Xmodem-CRC and Xmodem-
Uploads from your computer are initiated by pressing the
'PgUp' key, or via the 'Transfer' menu, and protocols are
chosen in a similar fashion to downloading. The receiving
computer should have been prepared to receive the files with
the same protocol which is used to send files.
To prepare files for uploading, first go to the 'File' pull
down menu using the Alt_F from terminal mode; select the
'Prepare Files For Upload' option. At this point a dialog box
appears. This dialog box enables you to select a given
drive/directory and then to copy selected files to the file
Having selected the chosen drive/directory, go to the file
list and, using the arrow keys or the mouse, highlight a file
that you wish to upload. Then press 'SPACE', or double click
with the left mouse button, to tag the file (note the '*'
tag). Repeat this for all the files you wish to upload and
then use the <Copy> button to instruct BGFT to copy the
tagged files into the file buffer. Up to 31 files may be
tagged. BGFT will display the status of the files as it
copies them to the file buffer.
The moved files may have different file sizes than the
originals; this is merely a result of transferring files in
512 byte packets and will have no impact on the files
To check that you have copied all the files that you
intended, select the 'File Buffer' option from the 'View'
menu. The files contained in the file buffer will then be
displayed. Files tagged ready for upload are marked with a
'u'. If, for some reason, the file buffer contains files that
were previously downloaded, then they will be tagged with a
'd' or an 'a'.
Zmodem and Ymodem-Batch protocols will upload all the files
marked 'u' in the file buffer. This is a handy feature for
uploads in using the file buffer; Zmodem transfers will start
automatically if configured for it. If you decide that you do
not need to upload all the files that you placed in the file
buffer, after all, then the unwanted files may be delete
files as described below:
1) Select the 'File Buffer' option from the 'View' menu to
view the files in the file buffer.
2) Move the cursor bar to highlight the file you wish to
3) Press 'SPACE', or double click the left mouse button, to
tag the file.
4) Repeat 3) to tag all files you wish to delete.
5) Use the <Delete> button to initiate the deletion. BGFT
responds by asking you if you are sure that you wish to
delete the tagged files, type 'Y', or use the mouse. After a
brief pause, the files are deleted and an examination of the
file buffer list confirms that the unwanted files have been
6) Press 'ESC' to return to terminal mode. If you deleted
files then an information window will appear to inform you
that the file buffer is being reorganized. This
reorganization is done so that the file buffer is optimized
for file transfer. This may take some time if the file buffer
contains many large files.
5.8.7 Background File Uploading
There are four file transfer protocols available for
background uploading: Zmodem, Ymodem-Batch, Xmodem-CRC,
Xmodem-1K. Before negotiating an upload with the host, you
must copy the files to be uploaded into the file buffer; see
Section 5.8.7. If Zmodem or Ymodem-Batch is used, then all
files marked for upload will be uploaded. If one of the
Xmodem upload protocols is used, then the files must be
specified individually; you will be prompted for the file
names at the appropriate time.
5.8.8 ASCII Uploads
ASCII upload is only for text files. Non-text files should be
uploaded with one of the other protocols provided with BGFT.
ASCII uploads are done in the foreground, that is, BGFT.EXE
must be running. To initiate ASCII upload, press 'PgUp' and
then select ASCII from the protocol pull down menu list. A
dialog box pops up to enable you to easily select a file from
any drive/directory on your computer. Select the desired file
and initiate the upload by using the <Open> button. BGFT will
beep when the transfer has been completed. If ASCII upload is
initiated when using an editor on a remote computer, then the
uploaded text will display on the screen.
ASCII upload is useful because it enables preparation of
messages off-line and then to upload it directly into a
remote computers message editor. This way you avoid using on-
line time to compose messages.
ASCII uploads can be terminated by pressing 'ESC'.
5.8.9 Acknowledge Communication Errors
Occasionally, transmission errors will occur that will
terminate a file transfer or prevent a file transfer from
being successfully initiated. These errors could, for
example, be due to a poor quality telephone line connection
or due to running a poorly behaved applications program while
you are running background file transfers.
Errors are identified by the error codes displayed in the
resident part's status window (BGFT window); these codes are
listed in Section 4.5. Explanation of errors is also
available on-line by means of the 'Information' pull down
menu. The errors appear in the form '!!n' where 'n' is a
single digit. To acknowledge an error, select the
'Acknowledge Errors' option from the 'Transfer' pull down
menu. The resident part's status display will clear and show
the familiar 'BGFT'. If you re-enter terminal mode after an
error condition has occurred, then BGFT will automatically
acknowledge errors.
In the event of a Zmodem or Ymodem-Batch upload abort, you
will get a time-out condition which may last for an extended
period (approximately one minute); you will not be able to
acknowledge this error during this period, since it is not
yet a hard error. If you are in a rush, then you will have to
'Kill' (see Section 5.7.6) the transfer to get the 'hard'
error condition. The 'Kill Transfer' transfer option, from
the 'Transfer' pull down menu, automatically acknowledges the
'hard' error condition that generates it.
You will not be able to access the file buffer until any
errors have been acknowledged.
5.8.10 Ending Transmission
If you are transferring files and you wish to 'Kill' the
transfer, then select the 'Kill Transfer' option from the
'Transfer' pull down menu.
5.9 Utility Functions
Utility functions can be accessed via the 'Utility' menu
using Alt_U, or the mouse. The following functions are
5.9.1 Turning the Resident Off
The most common use of this option occurs when a floppy drive
is being used as the file buffer: in this case, when the
resident part is active it takes full control of the chosen
floppy drive, even if you have exited BGFT and are not
transferring files. This means that if you try to use the
drive for any other purpose, such as using the DOS format
command, it will be unavailable and DOS will report an error.
To enable you to use the drive, you can turn the resident
part off using the 'Turn Resident OFF' option. Normal
functioning of BGFT cannot be achieved unless the resident
part is re-enabled. Re-enabling the resident part can be done
by selecting the 'Turn Resident OFF ' option again, or simply
by re-running BGFT. BGFT automatically enables the resident
part when ever you run it.
It may be necessary to disable the resident part when you are
not running BGFT. For example, suppose that you were using
BGFT for file transfers earlier in the day and now you have a
need to use the floppy drive for some other purpose. Rather
than run BGFT, and go to the 'Utility' menu to turn the
resident off, you can toggle the resident part from the
command line using the '/R' option. Use:
The resident part may also be activated/suspended using Alt_A
from terminal mode.
5.9.2 Initialize the File Buffer
BGFT uses a file buffer when either uploading or downloading
files. Furthermore, BGFT uses a non-standard format for the
files in the file buffer, so that it is necessary to use BGFT
to initialize the file buffer before use. This needs to be
done only once.
In the case you are using a hard drive file buffer, the
buffer will have been initialized when it was created by
BGFTFB.EXE, that is, during the install procedure. However,
you can re-initialize it again any time you like; sometimes
you may find this a convenient way to clean out ALL files in
the buffer (when you are sure you do not need them).
In the case that you are using a floppy diskette for the file
buffer, BGFT has a number of features designed to reduce the
likelihood of accidentally initializing a regular DOS
formatted diskette. If by chance you do manage to initialize
a DOS formatted diskette containing files that you wish to
keep, all is not lost. The utility, BGFTFLPY.EXE, allows you
to recover an inadvertently initialized diskette.
WARNING: only error free diskettes can be used with BGFT.
To initialize a diskette, simply place a error free DOS
formatted diskette into the selected floppy disk drive, then
select the 'Initialize File Buffer' option. If the diskette
has not previously been initialized you will be prompted to
confirm that you wish to continue. If the diskette has
previously been initialized then initialization will occur
without further prompting providing that it does not contain
any files.
If BGFT is, for some reason, unable to initialize the disk-
ette, then an information window will appear instructing you
on how to proceed. This happens if the floppy drive is left
open, for example.
5.9.3 Modem Initialization
By selecting the 'Modem Initialization' option, the modem
initialization string is sent to the modem. This option is
only available if you are not using the direct connection
option and the line is not connected.
This option is useful for re-setting the modem in the case
that you have changed the modem settings (possibly by running
some other communications software which may have some other
modem setup requirements). The same modem commands are used
when you run BGFT for the first time after turning your
computer on.
5.9.4 Status of the BGFT Window
Occasionally you may find that the resident part's status
window, which normally displays the 'BGFT' code, is not
desired and that you would like to turn it off. A good
example is if you are using a screen capture program; in that
case you would capture the 'BGFT' as well. To toggle the
resident status display on/off, select the 'Status' option.
This will not affect transfer operations.
You can also toggle the status display from terminal mode
using Alt_W.
5.9.5 Relocate the BGFT Window
Selecting 'Relocate BGFT' from the 'Setup' pull down menu
allows relocation of the status BGFT window along the top
line of the screen. This can be used so that both the BGFT
window and some other concurrently running software will not
conflict with the top right hand corner, the default BGFT
position. The BGFT display can be turned off with Alt_W from
the terminal mode; see also Section 5.9.4.
Use the left and right arrow keys, or mouse, to drag the BGFT
display along the top of the screen. Press 'ENTER' when you
have reached the location you want, or 'ESC' to keep the old
5.9.6 Clear the Terminal Mode Screen
This option clears the terminal mode screen.
5.10 The Clipboard
The purpose of the clipboard is to provide a mechanism by
which text can be copied from either the terminal mode or the
scroll back buffer screen; then to edit this text using the
clipboard editor, and then re-directed it back to the remote
computer. This is useful for replying to messages or for
selecting specific text to be used to reply to prompts from
the remote computer system without having to do a lot of
5.10.1 Copying Text From the Terminal Mode Screen
First of all you must 'select' the text from the terminal
mode screen that you wish to copy to the clipboard.
If using the keyboard use 'Shift_F5' to switch into 'select'
mode. Now use the arrow keys to move the cursor to the
beginning of the block to be marked. Then use Shift_Arrow_key
to start highlighting the desired text. If text is
highlighted then you can use Shift_Arrow_key to extend the
selection, any other key will clear the highlighted text.
If using a mouse then use Shift + dragging of the left mouse
button to make the selection.
To copy the selected text to the clipboard editor simply use
'Ctrl_Ins'. To check that the selected text was copied to the
clipboard, select the 'Clipboard' option from the 'View'
5.10.2 Copying Text From the Scroll Back Buffer Screen
First of all you must 'select' the text from the scroll back
buffer screen that you wish to copy to the clipboard.
If using the keyboard use 'Shift_F5' to switch into 'select'
mode. Now use the arrow keys to move the cursor to the
beginning of the block to be marked. Then use Shift_Arrow_key
to start highlighting the desired text. If text is
highlighted then you can use Shift_Arrow_key to extend the
selection, any other key will clear the highlighted text.
If using a mouse then use simply drag the left mouse button
to make the selection.
To copy the selected text to the clipboard editor use
'Ctrl_Ins'. To check that the selected text was copied to the
clipboard, select the 'clipboard' option from the 'View'
5.10.3 The Clipboard Menu
The clipboard is accessed by means of the 'Clipboard' option
from the 'View' pull down menu. On selecting the 'Clipboard'
option, the clipboard screen appears with the clipboard pull
down menu at the top. The menu options include:
File: Selection of this item using Alt_F, or the mouse, pulls
down a menu list with the following operations:
Open A File: Imports a given file into the clipboard editor.
Save To A File: Saves the contents of the clipboard editor to
a DOS file.
Send Clipboard To A Port: Send the test from the clipboard
editor to the port for transmission to the remote
computer. If text is selected then BGFT prompts to see
if only the selected text should be sent; otherwise the
entire contents of the clipboard are sent.
Return To Terminal Mode: Returns to terminal mode but retains
the clipboard in memory.
Edit: Selection of this item using Alt_E, or the mouse, pulls
down a menu list with the following operations:
Cut: Cuts the selected text to a paste buffer, that is, the
selected text is removed from the screen but remains in
Paste: Paste the text in the paste buffer to the current
cursor location.
Copy: Copies the selected text to the paste buffer but does
not remove the selected text from the screen.
Clear: Clears the entire contents of the clipboard editor.
Search: Selection of this item using Alt_S, or the mouse,
pulls down a menu list with the following operations:
Search: Searches the clipboard editor for a given string of
Replaces: Replaces a given string of text with another
Search Again: Allows searching again for another occurrence
of a text string that was previously specified with the
'Search' menu.
Help: Selection of this item using Alt_H, or the mouse, pulls
down a menu list with the following operations:
Cursor Movement Commands: Shows how to move around the
clipboard editor, that is,
PgUp Page up
PgDn Page down
Arrow up Up one line
Arrow down Down one line
Home Beginning of the line
End End of line
Arrow right Right one character
Arrow left Left one character
Ctrl_Home Beginning of clipboard
Ctrl_End End of clipboard
Ctrl_R Page up
Ctrl_C Page down
Ctrl_E Up one line
Ctrl_X Down one line
Ctrl_Q R Beginning of clipboard
Ctrl_Q C End of clipboard
Ctrl_Q S Beginning of the line
Ctrl_Q D End of line
Ctrl_I Tab foreword
Ctrl_Q I Tab backward
Ctrl_F Foreword one word
Ctrl_A Backward one word
Ctrl_D Right one character
Ctrl_S Left one character
Ctrl_Right arrow Foreword one word
Ctrl_Left arrow Backward one word
Block Commands: Shows how to select text, move, copy, delete
blocks of text, that is,
Shift arrow keys Mark block
Ctrl_Q Y Delete to end of line
Ctrl_Q B Delete to start of line
Ctrl_Ins Copy block
Shift_Del Shift_Ins Move block
Del Delete block
Shift_Del Cut block to paste buffer
Drag mouse to highlight block. Cut and an paste operations
can also be done using the Edit menu.
Other Commands: Provides help on other features of the
clipboard, that is,
F2 Save clipboard contents to a file
F3 Loads contents of a file into the clipboard
F4 Search for text
F5 Send contents of the clipboard to the COMM port
Alt_Z Help
ESC Returns to terminal mode
Backspace Deletes the character before the cursor position
Ctrl_H Deletes the character before the cursor position
Del Deletes the character at the cursor position
Ctrl_G Deletes the character at the cursor position
Ctrl_T Deletes the word the cursor is on
Ctrl_Y Deletes the line the cursor is on
Ctrl_L Search again
Ins Toggle insert mode
Ctrl_V Toggle insert mode
5.11 The Scroll Back Buffer
The purpose of the scroll back buffer is to save the contents
of the terminal screen in such a way that it is easy to
'scroll' back to 'look' at the previous contents of the
terminal mode screen. The scroll back buffer can be viewed by
selecting the 'Scroll Back Buffer' option from the 'View'
pull down menu or via Alt_B from terminal mode. The scroll
back buffer is displayed in reverse colors so that it is easy
to distinguish it from the active terminal mode screen.
Once in the scroll back buffer display, it is possible to
view the previous contents of the terminal mode screen using
'PgUp'. Keys such as 'PgDn', 'Home', 'End', up/down arrow
keys provide the expected responses to move backwards and
forwards through the buffer.
The size of the scroll buffer is under user control, as
described in Section Also, Alt_F enables saving the
contents of the buffer to a file. This can be useful if a
message you have just viewed from a BBS has scrolled off the
screen but you desire to save it for later retrieval.
As users of BGFT often "run" BGFT many times in a session,
the user is able to configure BGFT so that it will
automatically save the scroll back buffer on exiting. This is
done in such away that when you re-run BGFT it restores the
scroll buffer as you left it. For example, if the last time
you were logged on to a BBS and you had been viewing a list
of files, then the next time you run BGFT, say a couple of
days later, you can display the scroll buffer and still see
the list of files. This feature of being able to "see" some
of your previous session, in the scroll buffer, provides you
with considerable continuity from one session to another.
You can also copy selected text from the scroll buffer window
to the clipboard; this is described in Section 5.10.
5.12 Screen Capture
The purpose of screen capture is to continuously "Echo" the
text that appears on the terminal mode screen to a file. In
this way, a record of an entire session can be saved.
Screen capture is initiated by means of the 'Echo To A File'
option from the 'File' pull down menu, or Alt_G. On
activation this option, a 'Save File' dialog box pops up to
allow you to specify the name of the file to put the screen
contents to, and the drive/directory in which to store the
file. Screen capture stays active until the option is re-
selected or you exit BGFT.
5.13 BGFT Status
The BGFT status display can be displayed from the 'View' pull
down menu, using 'BGFT Status', or via Alt_N from anywhere in
BGFT. On selecting the 'BGFT Status' information option, BGFT
will display a window that shows the status of a number of
key parameters.
In particular, it will show BGFT in one of the following
DORMANT: denotes that the resident part is 'idling' and ready
to accept commands from BGFT.
RECEIVE: denotes that the resident part is downloading into
the file buffer.
TRANSMIT: denotes that the resident is uploading from the
file buffer.
SYNCHRONIZING: is an intermediate state associated with
ERROR: denotes that the resident part is in an error state
associated with a 'hard' error condition. On ac-
knowledging this error state the resident part will
return to the DORMANT state.
WAIT: denotes that the resident part is waiting for a re-try
condition to clear.
Also displayed is the progress of the current file being
5.14 Alt_Key Summary
An 'Alt_Key' combination, Alt_X, is performed by pressing the
'Alt' key and then the given key 'X' (or 'x') together
BGFT.EXE provides both menus and Alt_Key combination to
navigate through the user interface program. The Alt_Key
combinations are used to provide a fast alternative to the
menu system and can be viewed as 'accelerator' keys. There
are two kinds of these 'accelerator' keys:
5.14.1 'Hot' Keys
In particular, BGFT provides the following 'hot' keys, which
have the same function wherever they are applied:
Alt_J to Jump to a DOS shell.
Alt_K to Kill background dialing.
Alt_N to give Information on BGFTres status.
Alt_X to eXit BGFT to DOS without hanging up the line.
5.14.2 'Warm' Keys
Warm keys are keys that are active only within a given
context. For example, Alt_Z gives context sensitive help.
BGFT provides online help to give the following 'warm' key
information on-line.
Terminal Mode:
Alt_A to suspend/Activate the resident part.
Alt_B to show the scroll Back buffer.
Alt_C to Clear the screen.
Alt_D for Dialing menu options.
Alt_E for clipboard Editor.
Alt_F for File menu options.
Alt_G to echo (Grab) the screen to a disk file.
Alt_H to Hang up the telephone line.
Alt_I for the Information menu options.
Alt_L to List the file buffer directory.
Alt_M to show the main Menus.
Alt_O for an Overview of BGFT operation.
Alt_P for Phone directory.
Alt_Q to Quickly auto-move file buffer files to default
download DOS directory.
Alt_S to Setup menu options.
Alt_T for Transfer menu options.
Alt_U for Utility menu options.
Alt_V for View menu options.
Alt_W to toggle the BGFT status Window.
Alt_Z to give context sensitive help.
PgUp to upload files.
PgDn to download files.
Shift_F5 highlight terminal screen for clipboard. (Do
not have the Num Lock key on).
6.0 Operation of Auxiliary User Interface: BGFTOPT.EXE
Section 5 described the operation of the main BGFT user
interface, BGFT.EXE. It is user friendly and full of useful
features. There are times when a smaller user interface is
needed; the program, BGFTOPT.EXE, is used in this case. The
primary use of this would be for installing the capabilities
of BGFT as an add-on to other telecommunication products.
BGFT is 'open' in this regard; it allows you to choose your
preferred interface. BGFT can migrate with you when you
change from one program to another.
This Section will describe how to use BGFTOPT.EXE as an add-
on to other programs such as PROCOMM PLUS, Qmodem, Telemate,
or Telix. The operational details of the BGFT interface
utility, BGFTOPT.EXE, are explained at the end of this
6.1 External Protocols
Most of the popular telecommunications programs such as
PROCOMM PLUS, Qmodem, or Telix do not have the background
capabilities of BGFT. However, BGFT can be easily used with
them as an external protocol to provide it. The standalone
user interface, BGFT.EXE, is not used to do this; the
program, BGFTOPT.EXE, allows the installation of BGFT as an
external protocol.
BGFT's supported download or upload protocols are Zmodem,
Ymodem-Batch, Xmodem-CRC, and Xmodem-1K. Each can be used as
an external protocol and run in the background to do the file
The basic idea to using BGFT as an external protocol with
other telecommunication programs is to use the script
capabilities of those programs. One of the main requirements
to do this is that the script be capable of exiting the host
telecommunications program without hanging up the telephone.
The communication link must be left open so that BGFT can use
Some programs will use BGFT better in a script file than as
an installed external protocol; it is a matter of what works
best with the chosen telecommunications package.
Example scripts are provided with the BGFT package for
PROCOMM PLUS, Qmodem, and Telix. These are offered as models
on which to build either new scripts for other programs or as
a basis for newer program releases of the ones provided.
These programs sometimes change in ways that require editing
of the scripts; Dirac Systems will not necessarily update the
scripts just because there are newer revisions of other
products. Users are encouraged to construct or update scripts
and make them available for others on your local BBS or Dirac
Systems' Support BBS.
The examples show how BGFTOPT.EXE can be used and how file
names are passed for various programs and transmission
protocols. For example, Xmodem requires a manual input for
file names while Ymodem-Batch and Zmodem pass them as part of
the protocol.
You will find BGFTOPT.EXE to be a versatile program and you
will be able to think of many other specialized uses for it.
For example, background dialers can easily be set up.
Remember that BGFTOPT.EXE was made so that it can work with
other programs without taking up a lot of room. So be careful
in its use since it does not contain all the user friendly
safety nets of BGFT.EXE. It will be useful when you have
repetitive tasks that are well known.
6.2 General Considerations
The use of BGFT with other programs is easy. The basic steps
- the file buffer should have been initialized (done on
creation with hard drive version of BGFTres.COM, manually on
floppy drive version).
- the scripts edited to refer to your modem's port and normal
baud rate.
- if BGFT was not installed with INSTALL.EXE then the
BGFTINIT.BAT file must be edited to put in your
communications port and default baud rate.
On turning on your computer:
- choose the BGFTres.COM for the file buffer that you want.
- have BGFTres.COM loaded before running any programs.
- run BGFTINIT.BAT once to initialize BGFTres.COM.
Setting up the transfer:
- use your telecommunications program and set up the file
- run the BGFT script to do the file transfer in background.
- use your computer for other things while BGFT does the
After the transfer:
- use the 'BGFTOPT /f*.*' command (or BGFT.EXE) to move the
BGFT transferred files to the DOS directory from the file
- use the telecommunications program to continue with the
When running BGFT as an add-on to other telecommunication
programs there are a few general rules to follow.
The Installation procedure, Section 4.1, copies the required
files to various directories for using BGFTOPT.EXE with other
telecommunication programs. For example, if you are using
PROCOMM PLUS, then all the ASP script files should be in its
\PCPLUS directory. BGFTOPT.EXE should also be available for
use by being in the telecommunication program's directory or
in a directory of your computer's PATH environment variable.
BGFT allows you to use your computer's hard C: drive, floppy
A: drive or floppy B: drive as a file buffer. This should
have been set up already. The correct BGFT resident program,
BGFTres.COM, is required for the particular file buffer. Use
the resident program, BGFTHDZM.COM, when using a hard drive
file buffer and BGFTFDZM.COM when using a floppy drive file
Be sure that BGFTres.COM is loaded before any other program
is run. Typically BGFTres.COM is loaded when you boot your
computer so that it is in memory, ready for use at any time.
See Section 4.4 on how to load the resident part of BGFT and
how it should be put into your AUTOEXEC.BAT file; the
INSTALL.EXE program should have done this for you.
If you ran the installation program, it would have updated
the provided batch file, BGFTINIT.BAT, with the communication
port and baud rate normally used as chosen by you. If you did
not use the BGFT installation program then the file,
BGFTINIT.BAT, must be edited, prior to use, with an ASCII
editor to specify your modem's normal communication port
number and baud rate. The file has the following arbitrary
defaults: the communication port is 1 and the baud rate is
1200. The batch file is then used only once during a computer
session to initialize BGFT. This makes sure that BGFT is set
up properly. It MUST be done in spite of the fact that most
scripts will perform similar functions. Run the batch file by
BGFTINIT.BAT uses the command:
BGFTOPT /r1 /b1200
which tells BGFTres.COM to use communications port 1 at a
baud rate of 1200. BGFTOPT.EXE uses a number of such command
line switches (BGFT OPTions); see the details in Section 6.7.
The USER DEFINED data for communication port used and baud
rate must be edited in the script files with an ASCII editor.
This will make the script agree with the baud rate you have
told the host computer to download at. The baud rate may be
different than what you used in BGFTINIT.BAT. However, the
communication port must be the same as initialized with
The scripts correspond to two types of transfer: download and
upload. For each, there is a corresponding transmission
protocol: Xmodem-CRC, Xmodem-1K, Ymodem-Batch, and Zmodem.
BGFTOPT.EXE uses more command line switches to communicate
the choice of protocol to the resident program. Each script
shows how it is set up in the corresponding script language.
Downloaded files are put into the file buffer by the resident
program during the transfer.
If you are uploading files then you must manually move files
from the DOS directory to the file buffer. You may use
BGFT.EXE or BGFTOPT.EXE. The resident knows where the file
buffer is so you need not specify it. For example, to copy
the file, TEST.TXT, in the present DOS directory to the file
buffer for uploading you would enter
All the preliminaries and edits should have been
accomplished. You can now run your other telecommunication
program for the first time. Use it as you normally would. Set
up your download or upload with the host.
Each script is run in a particular manner depending on the
telecommunication program. There are descriptions below for
PROCOMM PLUS, Qmodem and Telix.
aware of BGFT; the BGFT user interface program, BGFT.EXE, is,
of course.
After the transfers are over you can use the
telecommunication program again in terminal mode to
communicate with the host. You may use BGFT.EXE instead, if
you wish. There is also a basic terminal emulator in
If you downloaded files, use BGFT.EXE to move your files to
the desired DOS directory where you want to use them. See
Section 5.8.3.
You may use BGFTDIR.COM to get a file listing of the BGFT
file buffer. Each file has a designator:
- 'd' means the file was downloaded with BGFT.
- 'u' means the file is in the file buffer ready for upload
with BGFT.
- 'a' means the file was interrupted in a Zmodem transfer.
Upon recovery it will be marked as complete (either 'd' or
6.3 Using BGFT as an External Protocol for Telix
Be sure that the BGFT resident and file buffer are set up
correctly as described in Section 6.2. You must have run
Background file transfer using BGFT with Telix is
accomplished by means of the provided Telix SALT scripts.
These scripts provide for the selection of a BGFT file
transfer protocol and initiation of BGFTOPT.EXE to start the
background file transfer. Having done this, the scripts will
then make Telix automatically exit to DOS without hanging up
the telephone line.
There are two ways to install BGFT protocols in the Telix
external protocol list. One is manual, which is described
next, and a more automatic way which is described later on.
The following outlines how to manually install a Telix SALT
script for using BGFT as an external protocol in Telix. The
particular example is for Zmodem download.
Please refer to the Telix SALT script in the file,
Change the port assignment and baud rate in the script to
your set up where a USER DEFINED quantity is indicated. Use
an ASCII editor.
Compile the BGFT Zmodem download script file, BGFTDZTL.SLT,
by using the Telix script compiler, CS.EXE; enter,
This will produce the compiled script file, BGFTDZTL.SLC, for
use in the Telix program.
From terminal mode in Telix enter 'Alt_O' for 'Configure
- Choose 'Terminal Options'.
- Choose 'N' for Zmodem auto-downloads.
- In response to "Allow Zmodem auto-downloads?" choose "No"
by moving the right/left arrow keys and then 'ENTER'. This
will stop Telix from autodownloading the file before BGFT
- Choose 'Protocol Options'.
- 'Change which setting?': Choose one of the four external
protocol options provided for in Telix: 'A', 'B', 'C', or
- 'Key': When in the download operation, pressing this key
will choose the protocol. The key should not be used
elsewhere; for example, 'Z' is already used for the Telix
internal 'Z'modem. Choose 'D', for example. The 'D' will be
highlighted during the Telix download operation in the
protocol name list: the 'D' in 'BGFTZMDM' (see the next
- 'Protocol name': This is what will show up in the list of
protocols when you choose the download operation. Call it,
- 'Upload file name': For this example, leave it blank.
Normally it will be the corresponding upload script for the
chosen BGFT Zmodem protocol (see the script, BGFTUZTL.SLT).
- 'Download file name': Enter, 'BGFTDZTL' which is the BGFT
download Zmodem protocol. This will be the compiled script
made above.
- 'BAT or Script': Choose 'Script' since BGFTDZTL.SLT
operates as a script.
- 'DL name': For Zmodem (or Ymodem-Batch), the protocol
itself will pass the name of the file to the script so choose
'N'. (If you install Xmodem you will choose 'Y' for Yes since
you want Telix to pass the name of the file to the script.)
- ESC out of the screen and save the set up to disk by
hitting 'W'. This get you back into Telix terminal mode.
In Telix, tell the host to send the files desired by Zmodem
download as you normally would. Then hit 'PgDn' in Telix to
set up to receive the files. Choose the BGFTZMDM protocol
using arrows plus an 'ENTER' or by the Key ('D') defined
The script will begin to give some messages, start the
background transfer, and then exit the Telix program. You
will be at the DOS prompt. You should see the BGFT window
indicate normal transmission counts.
Now you can do your work in foreground as the file is
downloaded in background.
After completion of the file transfer, you can use BGFT.EXE
to move your files to some DOS directory. The files are ready
to use.
The installation of BGFT external protocols is only done
once. They will be available to you each time you run Telix.
This completes the manual installation. The more automatic
procedure is described next.
A number of utilities are included to automatically perform
some of the functions needed to process the scripts or change
the Telix configuration file, TELIX.CNF. The following files
will be of use here:
BGFTSLC.BAT Batch file to compile scripts.
BGFTTELX.DAT Data file to append to TELIX.CNF.
BGFTADD.BAT Batch file to update TELIX.CNF; uses
The Telix SALT (script) compiler, CS.EXE, must exist in your
Telix directory. In your Telix directory, enter
to compile all the SALT scripts for the BGFT external
protocols for Telix.
To automatically add the protocols to Telix, you can enter
This appends the protocol information to TELIX.CNF so that
the BGFT protocol will show up in the protocol list. It will
also turn off the Telix auto-download feature so that it will
not interfere with BGFT's Zmodem. Writing the Telix
configuration file to disk (Alt_O command in Telix and
'W'rite set up to disk) will reorganize TELIX.CNF properly.
You will install the external protocols as 'A', 'B', 'C', and
'D' under the names:
- install BGFTDXTL as Xmodem-CRC download.
- install BGFTUXTL as Xmodem-CRC upload.
- install BGFTDXTL as Xmodem-1K download.
- install BGFTUITL as Xmodem-1K upload.
- install BGFTDYTL as Ymodem-Batch download.
- install BGFTUYTL as Ymodem-Batch upload.
- install BGFTDZTL as Zmodem download.
- install BGFTUZTL as Zmodem upload.
If this is not desirable, for example, if you already use
other external protocols as 'A', 'B', 'C', or 'D', then you
must do the installation manually. If you do this automatic
method then any former protocols are preempted. When you do
Alt_O and choose 'Protocols' in Telix you should see the
following BGFT external protocols installed:
Key Protocol Upload Download BAT or DL
Name Filename Filename Script Name
A.. B BGFTXMDM bgftuxtl bgftdxtl Script Y
B.. I BGFTIMDM bgftuitl bgftdxtl Script Y
C.. F BGFTYMDM bgftuytl bgftdytl Script N
D.. D BGFTZMDM bgftuztl bgftdztl Script N
When the file transfer has been completed, you may enter
Telix again without disturbing the connection by entering:
(the 'O' tells Telix not to send the modem initialization
Some modems respond to a 'break' character by switching to
modem command mode. This will prevent BGFT from carrying out
background file transfers. Telix appears to generate a
'break' when it exits; therefore, the modem should be set to
ignore 'break' (this is usually possible, consult your modem
Uploads are done with files that are in the BGFT file buffer
and not with those in the Telix default upload directory.
Nevertheless, Telix will search its upload directory and will
report that it found "No Matching File(s)" if the named file
is not found. This is a recognized deficiency with Telix.
Telix has to be tricked; the same files for BGFT upload in
the file buffer must be in the Telix upload directory, to
keep both BGFT and Telix happy.
See Section 6.7 for the complete description of the operation
of BGFTOPT.EXE so that you can customize your own scripts.
The following SALT scripts for Telix version 3.x have been
included in the BGFT package for your use:
BGFTDXTL.SLT Telix script for Xmodem-CRC/1K download.
BGFTDYTL.SLT Telix script for Ymodem-Batch download.
BGFTDZTL.SLT Telix script for Zmodem download.
BGFTUXTL.SLT Telix script for Xmodem-CRC upload.
BGFTUITL.SLT Telix script for Xmodem-1K upload.
BGFTUYTL.SLT Telix script for Ymodem-Batch upload.
BGFTUZTL.SLT Telix script for Zmodem upload.
6.4 Using BGFT as an External Protocol for PROCOMM PLUS
Be sure that the BGFT resident and file buffer are set up
correctly as described in Section 6.2. You must have run
PROCOMM PLUS also has a good script language to allow BGFT's
capabilities to be used.
The following description outlines how to use BGFT's Zmodem
download with a PROCOMM PLUS version 2 Aspect language
script. Using a script to do the file transfer with
BGFTOPT.EXE seems to be more convenient than using BGFT as an
external protocol in PROCOMM PLUS.
Please refer to the Aspect language script in the file,
The PROCOMM PLUS script, BGFTDZPC.ASP, should be in the
\PCPLUS directory. The USER DEFINED data for communication
port used and baud rate must be edited in the file with an
ASCII editor. The script must be compiled if PROCOMM PLUS
version 2 is used; an ASX file is produced.
Get the remote system ready to download the chosen files to
you with Zmodem.
From your terminal mode in PROCOMM PLUS hit 'Alt_F5' to begin
to set up the ASX file for running the file transfer. Hit
RETURN to get a list of compiled ASX files. Choose
BGFTDZPC.ASX with the up or down arrows keys and then enter
your choice to do a Zmodem download. BGFTDZPC.ASX will
initiate the download using the baud rate and communication
port defined in the script file. The BYE command in the
script will exit PROCOMM PLUS without hanging up; you will
then be at the DOS prompt. The files(s) will be transferred
in the background by the BGFT resident program; you can use
your computer for other purposes while this takes place.
After the transfers are over you can use PROCOMM PLUS again
in terminal mode to communicate with the host. You may use
BGFT.EXE instead, if you wish.
See Section 6.7 for the complete description of the operation
of BGFTOPT.EXE so that you can customize your own scripts.The
following Aspect scripts for PROCOMM PLUS version 2 have been
included in the BGFT package for your use:
BGFTDXPC.ASP PROCOMM PLUS script for Xmodem-CRC/1K download.
BGFTDYPC.ASP PROCOMM PLUS script for Ymodem-Batch download.
BGFTDZPC.ASP PROCOMM PLUS script for Zmodem download.
BGFTUXPC.ASP PROCOMM PLUS script for Xmodem-CRC upload.
BGFTUIPC.ASP PROCOMM PLUS script for Xmodem-1K upload.
BGFTUYPC.ASP PROCOMM PLUS script for Ymodem-Batch upload.
BGFTUZPC.ASP PROCOMM PLUS script for Zmodem upload.
6.5 Using BGFT as an External Protocol for Qmodem
Be sure that the BGFT resident and file buffer are set up
correctly as described in Section 6.2. You must have run
The following description outlines how to use BGFT's Zmodem
download with a Qmodem SCR language script. Using a script to
do the file transfer with BGFTOPT.EXE seems to be more
convenient than using BGFT as an external protocol in Qmodem.
Qmodem is a very simple program to interface to BGFT's
capabilities. Qmodem has similar usage as PROCOMM PLUS.
The version of Qmodem considered for script operation is
4.52. There are newer versions of Qmodem; you can adapt the
scripts as necessary.
The following outlines how to install a Zmodem download file
transfer script for using BGFT in Qmodem.
Please refer to the script in the file, BGFTDZQM.SCR.
Change the port assignment and baud rate in the scripts to
your set up where a USER DEFINED quantity is indicated. Use
an ASCII editor.
Get the remote system ready to download the chosen files with
From terminal mode in QMODEM hit 'Alt_F' to begin to set up
the SCR file for running. Type in 'BGFTDZQM' for the script
name to be run. Enter nothing for parameters to the script.
BGFTDZQM.SCR will initiate the download using the baud rate
and communication port defined in the script file. The
'SYSTEM X' command will exit QMODEM without hanging up; you
will be at the DOS prompt. The files(s) will be transferred
to the BGFT file buffer in the background so you can use your
computer for other purposes while this takes place.
After the transfers are over you can use Qmodem again in
terminal mode to communicate with the host. You may use
BGFT.EXE, if you wish.
See Section 6.7 for the complete description of the operation
of BGFTOPT.EXE so that you can customize your own scripts.
The following SCR scripts for Qmodem version 4.x have been
included in the BGFT package for your use:
BGFTDXQM.SCR Qmodem script for Xmodem-CRC/1K download.
BGFTDYQM.SCR Qmodem script for Ymodem-Batch download.
BGFTDZQM.SCR Qmodem script for Zmodem download.
BGFTUXQM.SCR Qmodem script for Xmodem-CRC upload.
BGFTUIQM.SCR Qmodem script for Xmodem-1K upload.
BGFTUYQM.SCR Qmodem script for Ymodem-Batch upload.
BGFTUZQM.SCR Qmodem script for Zmodem upload.
6.6 Using BGFT as an External Protocol for Telemate
Be sure that the BGFT resident and file buffer are set up
correctly as described in Section 6.2. You must have run
Although it is easy to write a Telemate Version 4 script to
set up BGFT for background transfers, it will not work
properly. BGFT will get the correct instructions but it
appears that Telemate will regain control of the communication
port from BGFT on exit of the script.
Here is a work around solution which may also be used in other
similar circumstances. Let's assume you want to do a Zmodem
download and that your modem is on communication port 1 and
will do the transfer at 2400 baud. Be sure to turn off the
internal Telemate Zmodem auto-download feature so that BGFT
can do its own. Set up the download with the BBS and then exit
Telemate with Alt_X. You will be at the DOS prompt. You can
enter the BGFT commands directly as:
BGFTOPT /5 /A /R1 /B2400 /~5 /S
Since BGFTOPT.EXE is not in quiet mode, it will give the
following replies:
Turning resident part on.
Acknowledging error.
Reconnecting communication port 1.
New baud rate: 2400.
Zmodem download protocol.
Starting file transfer.
You could put the BGFTOPT command in a batch file and run it
each time you needed it. For the other BGFT supported
protocols you could create other batch files.
After the transfers are over you can use Telemate again in
terminal mode to communicate with the host. Since you are
already online you should enter:
so that the modem initialization string is not sent to the
See Section 6.7 for the complete description of the operation
of BGFTOPT.EXE so that you can customize your own batch files.
6.7 Command Mode Options Using BGFTOPT.EXE
BGFTOPT.EXE can be used in place of BGFT.EXE where a simple
user interface is needed. For example, BGFTOPT.EXE would be
used for installing BGFT external file transfer protocols in
another communications package. BGFTOPT.EXE is used to send
certain pertinent messages to the resident about the file
transfer such as the chosen communication port, baud rate,
and file name.
The supplied files with file extension ASP, SCR and SLT give
examples on how BGFTOPT is used to support background file
transfers for external protocols in PROCOMM PLUS, Qmodem, and
BGFTOPT.EXE is able to send and receive a number of messages
from the resident part of BGFT. This is accomplished by using
the command line switches that are provided. For example,
suppose you are in the DOS shell and the 'BGFT' window
indicated an error condition such as '!!1' due to the host
canceling the transfer. This 'hard' error condition can be
acknowledged by entering:
The '/A' is referred to as a switch (or BGFT OPTion) and is a
DOS command line argument (input) to BGFTOPT.EXE. The case of
the switch is not significant, so that '/a' would produce the
same result. The space is not required between BGFTOPT and
the switch '/' symbol. However, there should not be a space
between the '/' and the 'a'; for example, '/ a', would be
Some of the switches can be chained, such as:
which would acknowledge any error and then hang up the phone.
The chain is parsed from left to right. A chain starts with
the '/' symbol.
If quiet mode, '/q', is not switched on, then most switches
will give a little message. For example, the '/a' switch will
announce "Acknowledging error" plus an internal BGFTOPT
reporting number which can be used to test for an error exit
(in general, BGFTOPT will return with a '0' if no error
occurs). The switch chain, '/qa', will not produce a message,
for example.
The chains can be broken with no effect such as in the case:
This is the same as if there was one switch chain, '/aa'. If
the chain is broken then there must be at least one space
separating each chain.
Continuous chains can be used for the following set of
? a h i k q s t 1 4 5 6 9
This is shown in the usage prototype which appears when the
help screen is produced by using the '/?' switch. The first
part of it looks like:
BGFTOPT[/?ahikqst14569 ]
The square brackets indicate the any one of the symbols can
be chained together in any logical fashion; they may be
Sometimes broken chains must be used so that the command line
parser can determine the correct instructions for BGFTOPT.
Notice that the prototype above ends with a space just before
the ']'; this indicates that the other command line switches
should be switches that are separated by at least one space.
The prototype for these switches could be shown as:
[ /~<#>][ /b<#>][ /d<filename>][ /f<[path]files>]
[ /m<[path]files>][ /r<#>][ /u<filename>]
[ /7<parity>][ /8<parity>][ /0<P|T><#>]
For example, one could manage the switches like:
BGFTOPT /5a /r2 /b1200 /~1 /dtest.txt /s
which would activate the resident part of BGFT, acknowledge
any errors, reconnect the second serial communication port,
set the port's baud rate to 1200 baud, choose the Xmodem
download protocol, tell BGFT to expect a file called
'TEST.TXT', and send a signal to the remote host to start
sending the file.
The following notes describe all the available switches.
6.7.1 /~<Protocol>
1 for XMODEM-CRC or XMODEM-1K download or XMODEM-CRC upload
2 for Ymodem-Batch download
3 for Ymodem-Batch upload
4 for XMODEM-1K upload
5 for ZMODEM download
6 for ZMODEM upload
One of the six values (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6) is to be entered
for <Protocol> depending on the desired transmission
protocol. The number should be right next to the '~'. The
resident part of BGFT will automatically distinguish whether
a downloaded packet for Xmodem is of the 128 byte (CRC) or
1024 (1K) byte size. Also, for Xmodem, selecting upload or
download is done when entering the file name. When using
Ymodem or Zmodem for uploading or downloading, there is no
need to give a command line entry for the file names since
the protocol provides them.
Xmodem-CRC download needs the switch, '/~1'.
Xmodem-1K download needs the switch, '/~1'.
Ymodem-Batch download needs the switch, '/~2'.
Zmodem download needs the switch, '/~5'.
Xmodem-CRC upload needs the switch, '/~1'.
Ymodem-Batch upload needs the switch, '/~3'.
Xmodem-1K upload needs the switch, '/~4'.
Zmodem upload needs the switch, '/~6'.
6.7.2 /b<Baud> 300,1200,2400,4800,9600,19200,38400,57600
One of the eight indicated values is to be used for <Baud
rate>. The number should be right next to the 'b'. The
communication port must have its baud rate set appropriately.
This must be set, along with the communication port, once
when BGFTres.COM is loaded.
6.7.3 /? Display this help screen
This displays a help screen which shows the Copyright
information, the prototypes for BGFTOPT, and a short reminder
of what each switch does. The text of the reminder is stated
in a similar fashion as to what is seen in this list of
switches. The screen is displayed when an unknown or illegal
command is entered.
The help screen is also displayed when only 'BGFTOPT' is
entered, that is, without any switches. BGFTOPT will return
'0' if both the port and the baud rate are set, and '1'
6.7.4 /a Acknowledge error
Hard (!!n type) transmission errors must be acknowledged.
6.7.5 /d<filename> Download file entry
The name of the file being downloaded should be inserted
right next to the 'd'. The Xmodem download protocols require
that a file name be supplied; Ymodem-Batch and Zmodem do not.
6.7.6 /h Halt background file transfer
A file transfer, either upload or download, which is in
progress may be terminated with this switch. This will
produce a hard error condition '!!3' which must be
acknowledged. The remote system, that was communicating, will
time out due to not hearing from the locally halted system.
6.7.7 /i Initialize active file buffer
The file buffer is initialized for use by BGFT. The correct
file buffer will be accessed since it is known by the
resident program, which should be loaded and active. Any DOS
floppies used as the file buffer must have been formatted by
DOS and checked by CHKDSK for error free condition. The hard
disk file buffer is initialized automatically upon
installation of it.
Using this function on BGFT initialized file buffers will
delete BGFT directory information. This effectively 'erases'
the buffer.
6.7.8 /k Kill background dialer
Background dialing is terminated with this switch.
6.7.9 /f<[path]files> Files to DOS from buffer
Move BGFT downloaded files from the file buffer to DOS
directories with this command. The resident part of BGFT must
be loaded and active to move the files. The file name,
<files>, of the file in the BGFT file buffer, including
optional DOS destination path, [path], if needed, should be
right next to the 'f'.
Wild card operation is allowed. For example, to move all
downloaded files in the active file buffer to the present DOS
directory use:
Drive and directory information can be used to direct the
files elsewhere. For example, to move all BGFT downloaded
files in the file buffer with file extension 'ZIP' to drive
D: in directory 'HOLD' use:
Recall that if BGFTDIR.COM is used to list the active file
buffer the BGFT downloaded files will have the 'd' designator
to the right. Partial Zmodem downloads/uploads will have the
'a' designator. This command will move partial Zmodem
download files to DOS; they will likely be unusable.
Once files are moved from the file buffer their file slots
are freed up by BGFT. Therefore, it is not possible to do the
same operation twice; use the DOS COPY command if you want
multiple copies of the downloaded files in other directories.
As with many BGFTOPT.EXE commands, BGFT.EXE can be used in a
more user friendly manner, including error reporting, to move
the files. You can use its file tagging file ability and so
on if you wish. BGFTOPT.EXE will not do or report any
incorrect operations for this command. For example, if you
directed the files to a non existent DOS directory the
operation would not delete the files in the file buffer.
6.7.10 /m<[path]files> Move file to buffer
Move DOS files to the file buffer for uploading with this
command. There is a maximum of 31 file slots available in
the file buffer. The resident part of BGFT must be loaded and
active to move the files; it knows where the active file
buffer is. The DOS file name, <files>, including optional DOS
path, [path], should be right next to the 'm'. For example,
to move the file TEST.TXT from the present directory, the
active directory on another drive F:, or the path D:\BGFT300
to the file buffer use, respectively:
Wild card operation is allowed. For example, to move all
files in the present DOS directory to the file buffer use:
This move command is non destructive to DOS files, that is,
they will actually be copied to the file buffer.
If BGFTDIR.COM is used to list the active file buffer the
files for upload will have the 'u' designator to the right.
As with many BGFTOPT.EXE commands, BGFT.EXE can be used in a
more user friendly manner, including error reporting, to move
the files. You can use its file tagging file ability and so
on if you wish. BGFTOPT.EXE will not do or report any
incorrect operations for this command.
6.7.11 /q Quiet message mode
Subsequent command line switches to the right of the first
'q' will have their switch messages to the standard output
disabled. Another 'q' will not turn the messages back on.
Subsequent BGFTOPT command line entries will not be quiet.
If '/q' is used as the only command line argument there will
be no help listing.
6.7.12 /r<Reconnect COMM port> 1,2,3,4
This switch indicates that one of the four indicated values
is to be substituted for <Reconnect COMM port>. The number
should be right next to the 'r'. The number corresponds to
the number of the communication port which is to be
reconnected. The communications port must be set. It should
not be changed during a computer session without turning your
computer off and then on.
This must be set, along with the baud rate, once when
BGFTres.COM is loaded.
6.7.13 /s Start background file transfer
Uploads and downloads must be initiated with this switch
after setting up the transmission.
6.7.14 /t Terminal emulator
A basic terminal emulator is invoked which enables sending
keyboard instructions to the remote host. This can be used
for logging in to a BBS, for example. The terminal is exited
by typing 'Ctrl_E' or 'Alt_X'.
6.7.15 /u<filename> Upload file entry
Xmodem-CRC and Xmodem-1K require that a file name be provided
when uploading a file from the file buffer. It should be
placed right next to the 'u'.
Ymodem-Batch and Zmodem do not require a file name; all files
marked as upload are sent.
6.7.16 /1 Hang up phone
This will hang up the telephone line.
6.7.17 /4 Wait for end of transfer
This switch will not allow a normal exit of BGFTOPT after
being parsed. BGFTOPT will wait until the transmission is
over before continuing.
6.7.18 /5 Turn resident program on
The resident part is turned on with this switch; the file
buffer is taken over and is made inaccessible from DOS. The
switch is 'one way'; turning the resident off requires the
'/6' switch.
6.7.19 /6 Turn resident program off
The resident part of BGFT will be turned off. This would
allow access to the floppy drive file buffer. This should
only be done when the resident is not otherwise busy with any
file buffer. The switch is 'one way'; turning the resident on
requires the '/5' switch.
6.7.20 /7<parity> 7 bit & parity N,E,O,S,M
One of the five indicated choices is to be substituted for
<Parity>. The letter should be right next to the '7'. The
letter corresponds to the required parity: N for None, E for
Even, O for Odd, S for Space, or M for Mark. Only one stop
bit is supported. The resident part of BGFT will
automatically revert to the correct settings for file
transfer (normally 8 data bits, no parity, and one stop bit).
6.7.21 /8<parity> 8 bit & parity N,E,O,S,M
One of the five indicated choices is to be substituted for
<Parity>. The letter should be right next to the '8'. The
letter corresponds to the required parity: N for None, E for
Even, O for Odd, S for Space, or M for Mark. Only one stop
bit is supported. The resident part of BGFT will
automatically revert to the correct settings for file
transfer (normally 8 data bits, no parity, and one stop bit).
6.7.22 /9 Start background dialer
The resident's internal dialing string is set up with the
'/0' switch and the actual dialing is commenced with this
6.7.23 /0<P|T><#> Pulse or Tone & number
This command needs two inputs. The first is for the type of
dialing that your phone line supports. The <Pulse|Tone> means
that you have a choice of Pulse or Tone dialing; use 'P' or
'T' respectively.
The desired phone number must be entered for <#>. The number
should be entered in a form suitable to the modem. Generally,
this is a combination of numbers and certain specific
punctuation characters (for example, the ',' is a pause and
'-' is a separator). (If you plan to use this in a batch file
you will have to use '.' instead of ',' since the batch file
processor considers ',' to be a separator. BGFTOPT will
convert and understand it.)
For example, to start tone dial to Dirac Systems' local BBS,
you would enter:
BGFTOPT /0T283-7157 /9
6.8 Conclusion
This Section explained the use of an auxiliary user interface
for using the capabilities of BGFT in a wider context.
BGFTOPT.EXE is 'auxiliary' since it is a functional subset of
the main user interface, BGFT.EXE.
Finally, congratulations to you for having gotten this far in
the manual. For all the ease of use that has been built into
BGFT there may be times when you ought to read parts of the
documentation. Rick, Rafael, and Tim at Dirac Systems hope
that it has been useful to you.
Last, but not least, we wish to thank all our beta testers and
customers for your input. We look forward to hearing from you
and for your continuing support. For new users, we trust you
will find BGFT to be one of the most useful software purchases
you ever make.
acknowledge error, 77 BGFTDZTL.SLT, 12,95
Alt_Key, 85 BGFTFB.EXE, 7,10,16,34,79
ASCII, 64,75,77 BGFTFDZM.COM, 7,10,16,35,38
B BGFTHDZM.COM, 7,10,16,35
background BGFTINIT.BAT, 11,17,31,88,91
dialing, 68 BGFTOPT.EXE, 10,17,87,98
file downloading, 73 BGFTORDR.FRM, 9,11,15
file transfer, 72 BGFTREAD.ME, 11,15,27
file uploading, 76 BGFTres.COM, 16
sound, 62 BGFTSLC.BAT, 11,93
status, 80 BGFTSPY.EXE, 10,19,45
baud rate, 60,100 BGFTSPY.ICO, 12,45
BGFT, 13,48 BGFTTELX.DAT, 11,93
configuring, 57 BGFTUIPC.ASP, 11,96
dial menu, 52 BGFTUIQM.SCR, 11,97
exiting, 49 BGFTUITL.SLT, 12,95
file menu, 51 BGFTUXPC.ASP, 11,96
help, 48,55,57,82,86 BGFTUXQM.SCR, 11,97
information menu, 54 BGFTUXTL.SLT, 12,95
registration, 9 BGFTUYPC.ASP, 11,96
setup menu, 53 BGFTUYQM.SCR, 11,97
starting, 48 BGFTUYTL.SLT, 12,95
status window, 37 BGFTUZPC.ASP, 11,96
transfer menu, 53 BGFTUZQM.SCR, 11,97
trying it out, 19 BGFTUZTL.SLT, 12,95
utility menu, 53 BGFTXDLG.EXE, 11,18
view menu, 52 C
BGFT.DLG, 11,16 Canada Remote Systems, 8,13
BGFT.DOC, 11,15 client-server, 47
BGFT.EXE, 7,10,16,48,89 clipboard, 80
BGFT300.CNF, 30,48 editing, 81
BGFT300.HLP, 11,16 scroll back buffer, 81
BGFT300.SCR, 11,16 terminal, 80
BGFT300A.EXE, 15,26 color, 66
BGFT386.BAT, 12,19 communication port, 60,103
BGFT386.PIF, 12,19 CompuServe, 13
BGFTDXQM.SCR, 11,97 DESQview, 13,43
BGFTDXTL.SLT, 12,95 dialing directory, 63,68
BGFTDYPC.ASP, 11,96 Dirac Systems, 8
BGFTDYTL.SLT, 12,95 DOS 5, 41
ERROR, 85 Qmodem, 11,14,30,96
error messages, 37 R
external protocol, 87 RECEIVE, 85
F Rose Media, 8
file buffer, 5,73 S
floppy drive, 38 SALT, 14
hard drive, 34 screen capture, 84
initialization, 34,38,78 scroll back buffer, 62,81
G SET, 40
graphics, 46 Shareware, 9,10,26
GST, 13 Smartmodem, 14
I STACKER, 29,42
initialization T
floppy buffer, 38 tab width, 62
hard drive buffer, 34 Telemate, 14,97
resident, 17 Telix, 11,14,30,91
INSTALL.EXE, 15 terminal emulation
installation ANSI, 57
automatic, 31 NONE, 57
INSTALL.EXE, 26 VT100, 57
manual, 32 VT52, 57
minimal, 20,29 terminal mode, 67
package, 26 Tone, 105
interrupts, 42 TRANSMIT, 85
chain, 36 TSR, 6,46
limitations, 46 upgrade, 9,13
LOADHIGH, 41 Usenet, 8
menu system, 50 WAIT, 85
Microsoft Windows, 14,44 warranty, 10
modem, 21,40,58,67,79 X
busy, 59 Xmodem-1K, 73,76,87,100
carrier detect, 36 Xmodem-CRC, 73,76,87,100
mouse, 50,63 1K packets, 72
MS DOS, 5,14 Y
multitasking, 42 Ymodem-Batch, 73,76,87,100
NorthAmeriNet, 8 Zmodem, 19,63,73,76,87,100
NS16550AS, 43
parity, 61,104
PATH, 39
PgDn, 14
PgUp, 14
PKUNZIP, 27,33
PKWARE, 27,33
PROCOMM PLUS, 11,14,30,95
protocol, 100
PST, 13
Pulse, 105